Community Life

Given Montgomery County's close proximity to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore--two cities with their own vibrant LGBTQ+ communities and neighborhoods--suburban LGBTQ+ people often chose to venture out of the county to experience community life, whether by marching in a Pride parade, frequenting gay-friendly bars and clubs, or joining activist groups lobbying for equality.

Despite the draw of the big city, Montgomery County's LGBTQ+ population nevertheless found ways to build community at home. For one, the county's plentiful parks and fields set the stage for festivals and conferences. Clubs and organizations were also formed by county residents, beginning in the 1970s with social clubs that could only spread through word of mouth. Finally, several gay-owned and gay-friendly businesses have operated in Montgomery County over the years.

This section of the exhibit covers three sides of LGBTQ+ community life in Montgomery County:

Events held by and for the LGBTQ+ community in Montgomery County, including Montgomery Pride.

Location-based clubs, support groups, political organizations and others serving the LGBTQ+ community.

LGBTQ+ owned and friendly businesses that have existed through the years.

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