
International Journals

International Conferences

  1. Majumdar R., Yang Y.Y., Li H., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2018). GOAL: Supporting Learner’s Development of Self-Direction Skills using Health and Learning Data , 26th ICCE, Manila, Philippines, Nov 2018. (nominated Best Technical Design Award) PDF

  2. Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y.Y., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Extracting Self-Direction Strategies and Representing Practices in GOAL System, Companion Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Arizona, United States, March 2019. PDF

  3. Majumdar R., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Adaptive Support for Acquisition of Self-direction Skills using Learning and Health Data , proceedings of the 19th IEEE ICALT pp.54-56, Maceió, Brazil, July 2019.

  4. Li H., Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Modeling Self-Planning and Promoting Planning Skills in a Data-Rich Context. 27th ICCE, Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 2019.

  5. Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R., Li H., Akçapınar G. , Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2019). Measuring Analysis Skill in Data-informed Self-directed Activities. LA@ICCE2019, 27th ICCE, Kenting, Taiwan, Dec 2019.

  6. Majumdar R., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Flanagan B., Akçapınar G. and Ogata H. (2020) Oh! Another Deadline: Cohort Analysis of Learner’s Behaviors in Self-Directed Tasks, accepted in ICALT 2020

  7. Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y. Y. and Ogata H. (2020) Design of a Self-Reflection Model in GOAL to Support Students' Reflection. accepted in ICCE 2020

  8. Kondo T., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Majumdar R. and Ogata H. (2020) Design Explorations to Support Learner’s Mental Health using Wearable Device and GOAL application. accepted in ICCE 2020

  9. Majumdar R., Şahin D., Kondo T., Li H., Yang Y.Y., Flanagan B. and Ogata H. (2021) Enabling Multimodal Reading Analytics through GOAL Platform. in the Companion Proceedings of LAK 2021

  10. Li J., Li H., Majumdar R., Yang Y. and Ogata H. (2022) Self-directed Extensive Reading supported with GOAL system: Mining Sequential Patterns of Learning Behavior and Predicting Academic Performance. accepted in LAK 22.

Outreach presentations (in Japanese)

[1] Yang Y.Y. (2018, Dec). A System to Support People’s Learning and Health By Promoting Their Self Direction Skills.

Presented at the Leading Program Forum 2018, Tokyo, Japan. (event link) - PDF

[2] Li H. and Yang Y.Y. (2019, Feb). LET's GOAL: Toward to Goal Oriented Active Learner.

Presented at the 13th ICT Innovation at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (event link) - PDF

[3] Li H. and Yang Y.Y. (2020, Feb). LET's GOAL: Toward to Goal Oriented Active Learner.

Presented at the 14th ICT Innovation at Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. (Outstanding Research Award) (event link) - PDF