GOAL system

Figure. Architecture of the GOAL system

The GOAL architecture is given in figure above. It includes cross platform applications and an analysis server. The users open a common web user interfaces through the mobile application (iOS, Android) or on web browser of any device. User requires a one-time authentication via their LMS. For instance, in Kyoto University students authenticate through the Sakai LMS to open the application for the first time and then the UUID token generated by the LMS is used for anonymously linking user data. This follows our previously implemented LA framework to bridge production and research system (Flanagan B. & Ogata H., 2017).

Native applications such as Apple Health or Google Fit records the physical activity data like steps taken. Our GOAL client directly synchronizes data with the native app and pushes the data to the analysis server. The learning data will be accessed in real time from the learning platform by using APIs. In upcoming version user can also input records manually.

The analysis server consists of four modules: plan, activity, analysis and recommendation module. The plan module handles users’ goal management. The activity module collects the log of learning activities and health activities. The analysis module synchronizes the actual learning and health activity logs with their corresponding goals. The recommendation module will recommend plans and feedback based on the tracked data.

Flanagan, B., & Ogata, H. (2017) Integration of Learning Analytics Research and Production Systems While Protecting Privacy. In proc. of 25th ICCE, Christchurch, New Zealand, Nov 2017
GOAL SK students manual (english) Sep 2019