Research projects

Projects in Numerical Relativity

Credit to: Earth: NASA/BlueEarth; Milky Way: ESO/S. Brunier; CMB: NASA/WMAP.

Numerical construction of initial data sets in cosmology

One of the cornerstones of cosmology is that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. This principle, commonly known as the Copernican principle has lead over the recent decades to the mathematical construction of models that describe the dynamics of our universe. However, due to the existence of experimental evidence, and recent advances in several numerical simulations of sophisticated cosmological models, the community has started to seek more robust and less symmetric universes. Therefore, more general cosmological models than the one of Friedman-Robert-Walker are becoming interesting from both the physical and mathematical points of view.

By model, we refer to a set of equations that define, in certain sense, an initial value problem. In the theory of general relativity, such formulation leads to two sets of partial differential equations that must be simultaneously solved; namely, the evolution and the constraint equations. Because of the non-linear nature of both sets of equations, it is well known that their numerical treatment is, in general, a complex task.

In this project, we are focused on the numerical approach to find initial data sets that allow to describe early stages of universes that are neither homogeneous nor isotropic.

Collaborators: Dr. Cesar Valuenzuela

Students: Alejandro Estrada Llesta (Postgraduate student).

This project is supported by COLCIENCIAS.

Explorations in the dynamics of Bianchi models and some geometric invariant

Bianchi spacetimes are a class of cosmological models that are homogeneous but not necessarily isotropic, that is, Bianchi cosmological models are more general than the standard cosmological model because they do not assume the Copernican principle. A member of this class are the well known Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker spacetimes. These models are mathematically less complicated to handle than more general spacetimes, like Gowdy-symmetric or U(1)-symmetric spacetimes, because the Einstein field equations can be reduced to an autonomous system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, which allows studying their dynamics by means of the mathematical theory of dynamical systems.

In this project we are focused into study the dynamic of the Bianchi type A cosmologies in vacuum. In particular, we will concentrate into track the behavior of certain geometric scalar, the Kretschmann scalar, which could give us a better understanding of the dynamics of these models, their asymptotic behavior, and lead us to identify initial data sets for which the models undergo collapse or asymptotic expansion.

Students: Nataly Martínez Riascos (Undergraduate student)

Credit: NASA/WMAP Science Team/ Art by Dana Berry

Numerical computation of the Bartnitk mass

The notion of quasilocal mass in general relativity remains unclear until today. The main reason for this lies in that the energy carried by the gravitational field is not accounted by the energy-momentum tensor. Thus, defining an appropriate and clear concept of energy in a local region of the spacetime, and consequently, a notion of local mass, is, in general, a convoluted task. This is what is commonly known in the scientific community as the quasi-local mass problem.

Many proposals for a notion of quasi-local mass in general relativity have been put forth in the last decades. Among the most remarkable are Hawking’s mass, Penrose’s mass, Geroch’s mass, and Bartnik’s mass. The latter, in particular, has received special attention from the scientific community during the last years due to the fact that it is based on the well-established concept of the ADM-mass, which is a positive and invariant quantity of the spacetime. In general words, the concept of Bartnik’s mass consists in defining the mass of a local spatial region of the spacetime with 2-dimensional surface boundary, as the infimum of the set formed by all the ADM-masses obtained from all of the possible asymptotically flat three-dimensional manifolds that isometrically contain the region enclosed by the surface boundary. Years later, it was proved that an infimum can only be attained if the minimizing metric corresponds to a static spacetime with some suitable boundary conditions on the inner 2-dimensional surface boundary. Thus, these conditions are colled inner boundary conditions of the asymptotically flat three-dimensional manifold. With the motivation from above, in this project, we are focused on numerically construct asymptotically flat static metrics given some inner boundary conditions and hence, come up with an infrastructure that computes the Bartnitk mass for any closed region of the spacetime.

Numerical methods for constructing asymptotically flat initial data sets in general relativity

Generally speaking, an spacetime is asymptotically flat if its curvature vanishes at large distances from some regions, becoming indistinguishable from the flat spacetime. Hence, they are perfect candidates for describing any kind of isolated massive object such as neutron starts, galaxies and black holes. However, from the numerical point of view, constructing initial data sets for modelling this kind of scenarios may turn into a complicate task due to the constraint equations have to be solved in a unbounded domain with some specific decay rates. In simple words, the curvature (and many other quantities) have to vanish at certain rate at large distances from the matter source. Therefore, in this project we are focused on introducing a new spectral-finite-element approach for solving the Einstein constraint equations that allow to find initial data sets of asymptotically flat spacetimes.


Projects in Dispersive Partial Differential Equations

Numerical exploration of solitons

Roughly speaking, a soliton is a perturbation that maintains its shape while it propagates at a constant velocity in a medium. They are possible because of a perfect balance between the nonlinear and dispersive effects that the medium causes over the solitons. For this reason, solitons do not follow the well-known superposition principle, and thus, one could say that solitons are not simple waves; they are something else.

Mathematically, solitons are described by dispersive partial differential equations. Three of the most known equations of this nature are the Korteweg-de Vries, the non-linear Schrödinger and the Benjamin-Ono. In particular, the last one represents a more significant numerical challenge due to the Hilbert transform operator present in the equation. Roughly speaking, this operator consists of an indefinite integral of certain singular term which can be very difficult to compute numerically.

In this project, we are focused on proposing a numerical method based on certain finite difference approach for solving the Benjamin-Ono equation. In particular, the main purpose of this approach is to remove the junk radiation coming from the "stabilization mechanism" of solitons when some generic initial data is given.

From: Saut, J. C. (2019). Benjamin-Ono and intermediate long wave equations: modeling, IST and PDE. In Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering (pp. 95-160). Springer, New York, NY.