Dr. Leon Escobar Diaz

Thanks for visiting my website. I am a mathematical-physicist who always seeks for interesting problems that offer both numerical and analytical challenges. At the moment, I am mainly focused (but not constrained) to problems in the framework of general relativity and applications to cosmology. Below, there is some basic information about me and my areas of interest in research. Also, you can navigate through the upper links for information about my research projects, students, courses, etc.

Current Position

Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department, Univeridad del Valle, Colombia.

Academic formation

  • Bachelor degree in Physics, Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia.

  • Master degree in Sciences-Physics, Universidad del Valle, Colombia.

  • Ph.D. in Matematics, University of Otago, New Zealand.

  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematics, Universität Tübingen, Germany.

Areas of Interest

  • Numerical Analysis.

  • Numerical Methods for Solving PDEs.

  • Numerical Aspects of Differential Geometry.

  • Numerical Relativity.

  • Statistical Simulations.

Coordination of the Computer-Lab (Mathematics Department)

Currently, I am the coordinator of the Computer Lab from the Department of Mathematics (Universidad del Valle). If you have any questions or need some help regarding to the lab, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Link to the computer-Lab (spanish)

How to reach me

Office 38

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences

Building 320, Universidad del Valle

email: leon.escobar@correounivalle.edu.co

Last update 2021/10