
What do we offer?

The LEMS Library offers a wide range of services to students and teachers including:

  • A large print collection of fiction, non-fiction, reference books.

  • A variety of e-books and audio books.

  • A range of on-line resources and databases.

  • 24 hour access to our online web guides and library catalog.

  • Literacy and technology instruction

  • Breakout EDU class sessions

  • Collaborative Lessons and Units of Study

  • Book Fairs and a variety of activities to encourage literacy

When are we available:

  • The LEMS Library is open to students from 7:30 AM until 3:30 PM on most school days.

  • Students are welcome to come to the media center without a pass before school or after school is dismissed. During the school day, students are required to have permission from their teacher and sign out on their chromebook in their agenda to come to the media center.

Our Goals and Objectives

1. The LEMS Library Program will work to support, supplement, and expand upon the current curriculum at Lugoff Elgin Middle School by:

  • including materials in various languages and ethnic backgrounds.

  • providing materials on a wide variety of topics from several different viewpoints

  • continuously investigating new materials.

  • working to update the collection in a systematic, planned manner.

2. The LEMS Library Program will ensure that all students have equal access to materials by:

  • encouraging students to visit the media center throughout the school day.

  • arranging and properly labeling the collection in a manner that is easily understandable to students, faculty, and staff.

  • opening the library before and after school hours.

3. The LEMS Library Program will encourage collaboration between teachers and the media specialist in an effort to emphasize information literacy in the context of the existing curriculum by:

  • informing students and teachers about information literacy through collaborative teaching activities and individual instruction.

  • making the media center schedule available to teachers on a daily basis.

4. The LEMS Library Staff will work to maintain a comfortable, inviting, and helpful media center by:

  • maintaining proper signage and labeling

  • organizing materials in a logical manner and making records accessible on-line

  • establishing and enforcing behavioral standards for library behavior

5. The LEMS Library Staff will participate in professional development opportunities by:

  • attending district media meetings.

  • attending the South Carolina Association of School Librarians' conference.

  • participating on various committees and teams.

6. The LEMS Library Staff will work to keep the administration abreast of the library program by:

  • publicizing activities.

  • generating quarterly reports of collection statistics and usage information


Student Circulation

  • Students may check out up to three (3) items. However, we limit check outs to one (1) audio book at a time and only one (1) magazine at a time.

  • Students can check out non-reference materials for a period of (2) two weeks.

  • Students may renew a book at any time before it is due to be returned back. However, to renew a book it must be brought to the library.

  • Students with books overdue from our school or another location may only be allowed to check out one book at a time, until the other obligations have been cleared.

Fines and Fees:

  • Overdue notices are sent out each Friday morning through district e-mail to students that have materials that are due to be returned.

  • In the event that a student loses a book, the student will be responsible for paying the replacement fee noted in the circulation system.

  • A flat rate of $20.00 will be charged for a book with no replacement fee noted. Students will only be allowed to check one book until the lost book is either found or the replacement fee is received.

Rules to Remember

  • Respect others by walking and talking quietly. The library should be a quiet, peaceful place where people can work without distraction.

  • Never check out a book for someone else.

  • Food, snacks and drinks are not to be brought into the library.

  • Always ask for assistance if you are uncertain how to find something you need.


Checking out library books from the library is a privilege, not a right. By checking out a book, a student assumes the responsibility of taking care of that resource and returning it on time or paying for it if it is not returned or gets damaged.

  1. Books are due back to the library 2 weeks after checkout. Please be sure to check with staff to confirm the due date for your items.

  2. After 2 weeks, the book(s) you checked out become overdue. E-mail notices are sent out at least once a week to remind you if you have overdue books or fees.

  3. A book that has not been returned after 21 days will be marked as "lost" and the student will be charged for the full replacement cost of the book.

  4. All Lugoff-Elgin Middle School rules, expectations, standards and regulations apply to students while using the media center.

If you have questions, ideas or comments, please contact Mrs. Baccomo.