Current PhD Candidate at Indiana University
B.A. in Psychology and Data Science from University of California, Berkeley (2021)
Leigh Levinson
I am a PhD candidate pursuing a joint degree in Informatics and Cognitive Science at Indiana University. My particular niche is advocating for children's right to privacy in interactions with embodied AI devices such as Internet-connected toys and social robots.
Working with children has always been one of the most fulfilling roles I have had: starting as an older sister, then as a babysitter, a counselor, a mentor, a teacher and a researcher. I am committed to researching and advancing our understanding of children's interactions with technology, with an emphasis on social robotics. I believe that we should use child-centered design in developing new robotic platforms and interdisciplinary approaches to understand the complexities of socialization, social-emotional intelligence and communication as it pertains to child-robot interactions.
Leigh's Google Scholar Profile
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