
Working Papers

Disagreement, Subjective Uncertainty, and the Stock Market (with Jingoo Kwon and Younggeun Yoo)


A Randomized Trial of Behavioral Nudges Delivered Through Text Messages to Increase Influenza Vaccination Among Patients With an Upcoming Primary Care Visit [Manuscript] [Online Appendix]

American Journal of Health Promotion, 2023, 37(3): 324-332

(Mitesh Patel, Katherine L. Milkman, Linnea Gandhi, Heather N. Graci, Dena Gromet, Hung Ho, Joseph S. Kay, Timothy W. Lee, Jake Rothschild, Modupe Akinola, John Beshears, Jonathan E. Bogard, Alison Buttenheim, Christopher Chabris, Gretchen B. Chapman, James J. Choi, Hengchen Dai, Craig R. Fox, Amir Goren, Matthew D. Hilchey, Jillian Hmurovic, Leslie K. John, Dean Karlan, Melanie Kim, David Laibson, Cait Lamberton, Brigitte C. Madrian, Michelle N. Meyer, Maria Modanu, Jimin Nam, Todd Rogers, Renante Rondina, Silvia Saccardo, Maheen Shermohammed, Dilip Soman, Jehan Sparks, Caleb Warren, Megan Weber, Ron Berman, Chalanda N. Evans, Seung Hyeong Lee, Christopher K. Snider, Eli Tsukayama, Christophe Van den Bulte, Kevin G. Volpp, and Angela L. Duckworth)

Test-based Accountability and the Effectiveness of School Finance Reforms [Manuscript] [Online Appendix]

(with Christian Buerger and John Singleton), AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2021, 111: 455-59

Media coverage: Thomas B. Fordham Institute

Work in Progress

Anticipatory Spending (with Scott Baker, Michael Gelman, and Lorenz Kueng)

Access to and Gains from Selective Education (with Ying Shi and John Singleton)