李澤民研究室藻及作物逆境分子生理與[生物生態循環]碳逆境韌性、零廢負碳技術、氣候變遷碳中和TM Lee LabAlgae/Crop Molecular Stress Physiology and [BioEcoCycle] Carbon   Stress Resilience, Net-Zero Waste for Carbon Negative, Carbon Neutrality against Climate Change
國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系高雄市蓮海路70號 80424 海資館3樓MB3012室電話 07-5252000 ext. 5110; 07-5251509; Email: tmlee@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
Room MB3012 (3 F)Department of Marine Biotechnology and ResourcesNational Sun Yat-sen UniversityKaohsiung 80424, TaiwanTel: 886-7-5252000 ext. 5110; Email: tmlee@mail.nsysu.edu.tw英文網頁 English Lab website:  https://sites.google.com/view/algalbiotechnologyandbio-energ/home
歡迎光臨本研究室網頁,海洋植物季作物研究室隸屬中山大學海資系,主持人為李澤民特聘教授,研究目標為探討藻類及作物逆境韌性提高光合作用固碳及淨零減碳之貢獻,以NADPH oxidase 改造細胞二氧化碳固定能力及澱粉、油脂之合成,以廢水及含高濃度二氧化碳煙道氣進行永續循環經濟,生命週期分析碳足跡,降低碳排以建立負碳技術。
  1. 調控碳代謝
  2. 活性氧 (ROS)/一氧化氮 (NO) 與抗氧化
  3. eDNA與delta13C評估藍碳: 西北太平洋-帛琉、菲律賓,及台灣西南海域-南海北部
  4. 淨零減碳: 大型海藻與微藻開發廢水煙道氣固碳平台

  1. NADPH oxidase 調控碳代謝 (油脂/澱粉合成) 生產生質柴油與生質酒精
  2. 藻類高光氧化逆境分子生理 
  3. 台灣西南海域及西北太平洋eDNA、藍碳與氣候變遷、
  4. 藻類零廢負碳循環經濟: 植物生長調節劑與飼料開發
Welcome to the website of our marine plant and crop laboratory, affiliated with the Department of Marine Resources, National Sun Yat-sen University. The laboratory is led by Distinguished Professor Tse-Min Lee. Our research aims to explore the enhancement of photosynthesis and carbon sequestration in algae under adverse conditions, utilizing NADPH oxidase to enhance cellular carbon fixation capacity and synthesize starch and lipids. We also focus on a sustainable circular economy using wastewater and flue gas with high CO2 concentration, life cycle assessment of carbon footprints, and carbon reduction to establish negative carbon technologies.  Genetic selection and CRISPR/Cas9 editing are key to overcoming extreme outdoor conditions and climate change for algae, pivotal for negative carbon technologies. Inducing sugars, lipids, proteins, and high-value compounds are fundamental for manufacturing carbon-neutral products. Environmental DNA (eDNA) and carbon and isotopic analysis of microalgae and macroalgae are pivotal for natural carbon sinks and large-scale planting to effectively reduce greenhouse gases in Taiwan. However, establishing methodological frameworks and international recognition are crucial for Taiwan's position in the global community. Algal carbon sequestration and utilization of wastewater and flue gas are optimal methods for reducing carbon emissions in product manufacturing using algae as raw materials.      Our laboratory conducts comprehensive research on molecular, cellular, individual, population, and community levels using marine and freshwater algae, addressing carbon-related issues vital for human and all living organisms on Earth.Research Directions:
  • Regulation of NADPH oxidase on starch and lipid metabolism
  • Reactive oxygen species (ROS)/nitric oxide (NO) signaling and stress resistance capabilities
  • eDNA and δ13C assessment of blue carbon: Northwest Pacific - Palau, the Philippines, and the southwestern sea area of Taiwan - northern South China Sea
  • Carbon reduction to establish negative carbon technologies: Developing platforms for carbon sequestration in macroalgae and microalgae using wastewater and flue gas

Ongoing Projects:
  • Regulation of carbon metabolism by NADPH oxidase
  • Blue carbon in the southwestern sea area of Taiwan and the Northwest Pacific and climate change: eDNA of macrophytes
  • Net-Zero Waste for Negative Carbon as Circular Economy in algae: Biostimulants and Feeds

國科會計畫1.國科會生物專題研究計畫(一般研究計畫)海洋擬球藻高光與溫度逆境研究: 耐單歧氧 (singlet oxygen) 突變株抗氧化機制 111-2311-B-110 -002 -2.國科會自然處專題研究計畫(一般研究計畫)颱風、渦流與內波對南海北部生物地球化學作用之衝擊--子計畫:台灣海域海洋沉積物大型海藻藍碳: 環境DNAeDNA)微量方法檢測與應用人工智慧深入了解並保育好台灣的珊瑚礁 111-2611-M-110 -022 -3. 國科會自然專題研究計畫 (海洋中綱計畫-(一般策略專案計畫(整合型): 總計畫主持人 洪慶章教授兼任海科院院長)西北太平洋碳通量 (台灣 帛琉)4..國科會國合 專題研究計畫(以色列-台灣雙邊協議型擴充加值 (add-on) 國際合作研究計畫)Ascorbate-glutathione cycle 在海洋性耐氧化擬球藻之角色與其在藻類生技之應用 111-2923-B-110 -001 -MY25. .國科會工程處專題研究計畫 (產學合作研究計畫)廢棄藻類資源循環應用於碳中和農畜高經濟價值商品之開發 112-2622-E-110 -010 - -6.國科會工程處淨零減碳專案計畫 (總計畫主持人: 國原院余慶聰博士)生質能捕碳及固碳再利用系統整合技術開發(1/2) 112-2218-E-042A-001 
2024 Blue CarbonSpring Cruise to Palau and Coastal Survey
Environmental DNA (eDNA) 18S V9 rDNA metabarcoding of marine macrophytes (SEAWEED, SEAGRASS, MANGROVE) in deep-sea shelf, slope, canyon, and seafloor in South China Sea and Palau: Sseaweed Carbon Sequestration in the Western North Pacific

Geographical and Environmental Impacts on seagrass meadow carbon sink in 2022, which is the hotest year recorded.

Preliminery study

大型海藻命運: 藍碳與食物階層


2023/06/02 @臺灣全球乃逐漸重視藍碳,非政府組織以及歐美大企業也都開始積極致力要創造藍碳權,尤其對於化石燃料排放量適中且海岸線廣闊的國家可以發揮極大作用。臺灣具有豐富藍碳生態系,健康的藍碳生態系所供給的海洋碳匯,政府及民間企業對於藍碳之議題及研究宜開始行動。


112/04/28  科技大觀園 李澤民|國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系教授國立中山大學海洋生物科技暨資源學系、國立中山大學海洋科學系陳亮妘、蔡宗佑、廖竟歆、鄭鈺筠、洪慶章協助撰稿 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeFhLrhhffE 大愛新聞 碳權交易所開幕 國內機制尚未建立中山大學海資系教授 李澤民:「現在都依賴的是國外,比如說歐盟的英國的,提出方法論以及某些程式,都要由國外公司來做估算,所以變成我們台灣沒有本土的驗證機構,這件事情是台灣非常麻煩的一件事,所以我們要趕快培養這樣的人(才)。」 
瑜茜 幫忙 東沙海草 研究
輔大 行
柏均 東沙 海草床底質 eDNA 樣品
翊琳 宜樺 萊茵衣藻 缺氮
EN 熏翊 彥君 海草
萊茵衣藻 缺氮 I
萊茵衣藻 缺氮
東沙海藻 海草 18S eDNA
定曄 心妍 亮妘 彥君 婕琳 
恭喜彣琦研討會口頭報告第一名  202211202-03 (張嘉哲教授)
Tse-Min Lee, Jia-Yi Lin, Tsung-Han Tsai, Ru-Yin Yang, I-Son Ng, 2023. Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) technology and genetic engineering strategies for microalgae towards carbon neutrality: A critical review, Bioresource Technology, 368, 128350, ISSN 0960-8524, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128350. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960852422016832)Abstract: Carbon dioxide is the major greenhouse gas and regards as the critical issue of global warming and climate changes. The inconspicuous microalgae are responsible for 40% of carbon fixation among all photosynthetic plants along with a higher photosynthetic efficiency and convert the carbon into lipids, protein, pigments, and bioactive compounds. Genetic approach and metabolic engineering are applied to accelerate the growth rate and biomass of microalgae, hence achieve the mission of carbon neutrality. Meanwhile, CRISPR/Cas9 is efficiently to enhance the productivity of high-value compounds in microalgae for it is easier operation, more affordable and is able to regulate multiple genes simultaneously. The genetic engineering strategies provide the multidisciplinary concept to evolute and increase the CO2 fixation rate through Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle. Therefore, the technologies, bioinformatics tools, systematic engineering approaches for carbon neutrality and circular economy are summarized and leading one step closer to the decarbonization society in this review.

Carbon neutrality


@ 恭喜獲 [2021永續循環技術研討會暨專題競賽] 大專組專題競賽銅獎~楊茹茵、高立容、張宜樺、呂婕琳、毛心妍  [開發利用工廠煙道氣小球藻進行減碳及生物精煉生產生質柴油] 指導教授 李澤民特聘教授安海生技博學程主任、張嘉修講座教授兼工學院院長
蔡佩霓  研究室象徵圖案-研究室主持人的頭像。左右兩側以「萊茵衣藻」、「馬尾藻」(藻類)、「泰來草」(海洋植物)、培養實驗器材作為研究室代表元素。小圖為本身實際顏色,而底色為Marine Blue,與Logo最底下的海洋相呼應,使整體更加協調穩重。        簡單明瞭的圖像與環繞的研究室名稱提高Logo辨識度。Design Concept:    The laboratory emblem is represented by the profile photo of the principal investigator.    Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Sargassum (algae), Thalassia hemprichii (marine plants), and experimental equipments are used as representative elements of the laboratory. The small images reflect the actual colors, while the background is Marine Blue, echoing the ocean at the bottom of the logo, creating a more coordinated and stable overall design. The clear and concise image and the surrounding laboratory name increase the logo's recognizability.


王榆茜 中間是研究室目前正在進行的微藻,旁邊的文字是海洋植物生理暨生質能實驗室,以及研究室主持人名字的縮寫,讓大家看了就知道是李澤民老師實驗室,及研究室正在著手實驗



