Are you interested in applying to join our lab?  We are always happy to chat with talented, enthusiastic students!    

Our process for admitting students has been carefully constructed to create equitable opportunities for all students.  When we are hiring, we always do the following:

During all of these steps, senior lab members and Aaron work together to ensure that inclusivity and equity are centered in our search.  We only consider potential new members of the lab during this formal application process.  We do this to give all students equal footing in the application process which we feel creates an equitable and accessible process for joining our lab.  We do not consider applications outside of this process to give all students an equitable chance to obtain positions in our lab.

In Spring 2024, we held an Open House on 3/1. We then had an application process and selected students to begin in Fall '24. We do not have any open positions available for Fall '24 at this time. If you would like to be alerted to future lab application cycles, please contact Aaron directly (  We maintain a list which we use to communicate with interested students, and we'd be happy to add you to that list.

In the mean time, here's some more info that might be helpful in learning about our lab:

Applications are currently closed (they were due on November 7, 2022)

All students who would like to be considered for positions should: 

(i) complete the application form 

(ii) email a current resume and a list of STEM college classes taken (include grade given - if known - and the instructors for lecture and lab components of the class) to

(please note: this list of classes and grades is just to get a sense of your interests and progress in your education; perfect grades are not a requirement for joining the lab!)