Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What is it like starting out in the lab/what do you do all day in the lab?

A: We know that this is often a source of a lot of questions!  Some Leconte Group members made this video to explain! 

Q: What experience do I need to join the lab?

Short A: None!

Long A: We are less interested in what specific skills that you can bring into the lab than we are in your desire and capacity to learn new skills.  We believe, for any student with the motivation to learn, we can teach you what you need to know!  So we tend to look more for signs of curiosity, persistence, and genuine enthusiasm for research more than we look for a specific skillset.  

Q: How much time is required to participate in research in the lab?

A: During the school year, students enroll in 'Natural Science Research for credit' for either 0.25 or 0.5 credits.  For 0.25 credits, you should plan on being in lab for 4-6 hours / week.  Roughly speaking, this means that you are in lab for one 4 hour lab period per week (and then maybe you read a paper between lab periods or you come in the day before to set something up).  For 0.5 credits, it is basically twice the amount of time!  Most students starting out opt for the 0.25 credit option.

During the summer, students work (in a paid position) for 9 weeks.  This is a full time position and should be your priority; please do not plan on doing other time sensitive things (such as taking a class or working a second job during our summer weeks).

This is a new page, and so we hope to keep adding to it!  

If you have other questions, please reach out to Aaron (