About VLSI Industry!

The semiconductor is an integral part of each modern technology. This presentation covers information on Salaries in VLSI industry and Growth potential.

This presentation covers a high level overview of the VLSI industry, Various roles, career opportunites and details of newer semiconductor applications.

A very informative talk on "Semiconductor Innovations for AI" - Lip-Bu Tan, CEO, Cadence design Systems

Industry Key Drivers: 5G, Machine learning, Industrial 4.0, Datacenter

Overview of Semiconductor Industry ecosystems: The Players and The Trends

Very motivation talk on VLSI Industry trends and Startups by Samir Rajadnya, Senior Principal Architect, Micron Technology

The good days has come to VLSI.

India $400Billion Semiconductor market.

Nice overview of semiconductor industry and its scopes: The Evolution of the future trends in semiconductor and electronics by Jaswinder S. Ahuja, CVP, MD, Cadence, India.

Industry expert Vivek Pawar talks about the exciting opportunities in the VLSI domain, and what students should do to hone their employability skill set for meeting the emerging industry needs.

Very nice explanation of “What is VLSI” by nextstepacademy.

A Peek Inside One of the World's Most Advanced Factories


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