Udit Kumar completed his doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in 2016. He has over 15 years of VLSI design and verification experience. His research interests include VLSI Design, 5G, AI, Ethernet, and Machine Learning.

Education Background:

  • PhD, EE, IIT Delhi, India, 2016

  • PG Diploma, VLSI Design, CDAC Mumbai, 2006

  • B.Tech, ECE, UPTU, 2005

Professional Experiences:

  • EdgeQ Inc, Bengaluru, India

  • Mentor Graphics, Noida, India (Acquired by Siemens)

  • Atrenta, Noida, India (Acquired by Synopsys)

  • STMicroelectronics, Noida, India

  • Digibee Microsystems, Chennai, India

Aditya Gupta completed his bachelorate in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT) now NSUT, in 2015. His professional work is also published in some technical papers including Synopsys User Group (SNUG). His research interests include VLSI Design, AI, image processing, automotive and automation.

Education Background:

  • B.Tech, ECE, NSIT, 2015

Professional Experiences:

  • Google, Bengaluru, India

  • Mentor Graphics, Noida, India (Acquired by Siemens)

  • Freescale, Noida, India (Acquired by NXP)

  • STMicroelectronics, Noida, India

  • TI, Bengaluru, India

Sumit Soman completed doctorate in machine learning from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of the ACM, and an Editor of the IETE Journal of Research. His research interests include Brain Computer Interfaces, Machine Learning, VLSI Design and Mobile Computing.

Education Background:

  • PhD, IIT, Delhi, 2019

  • B.Tech, ECE, GGS Indraprastha University, Delhi, 2010

Professional Experiences:

  • Ericsson, Bengaluru, India

  • CDAC, Noida, India

  • TCS, Kochi, India


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