HomeSchooling affect your marriage

Can homeschooling affect your marriage?

There are so many ways in which homeschooling may affect a marriage. In a positive light, homeschooling offers an opportunity for the couple to have a stronger authority over one of the most intimate and important gifts in their lives, their little children. The society today, puts a lot of emphasis on specialized labor roles. This has removed several roles from the wife/ husband unity and the domain of the family.

Fathers or husbands go off to work in the office and most of the mothers or wives have their own careers, while their children are taught by qualified teachers over whom the parents have negligible influence. The parents have no control over the child’s role models, the kind of information the child will be exposed to, and the beliefs and values with which the child will be instructed for the next twelve years of their lives. Communicating and formulating philosophical, personal and religious beliefs, and collaborating together to fashion the child’s education gives new meaning to one of the most important functions of a marriage— the nurturing, procreation and upbringing of the child. Consecutively, this fortifies the marriage by offering a common goal that the two individuals have increased potential to attain.

Secondly, homeschooling children gives parents something important to do. This is particularly important as a lot of adults in technological and industrialized societies have very little they consider significant in terms of national, communal, or international importance. That most societies consider schooling as an important issue. Teaching their own children increases the sense of personal value and self-confidence in parents, in turn improving the marriage bond.

Thirdly, homeschooling saves the parents from several energy and time consuming tasks. Instead of depending on other people to teach their little ones, they cooperate and create an effective plan to do it on their own. Homeschooling can yield several long-term advantages that can save energy and time. However, homeschooling is hard, especially for one of the parents, usually mothers, who take up the task of daily formal teaching. If not approached maturely, the process may become stressful leading to tension in the married couple’s relationship. Alternatively, the couple may use it as a chance to work together and strengthen the bond of marriage and reap the benefits of raising a smart, emotionally successful and socially adjusted child.

Most homeschool couples believe that the intangible advantages of improved family cohesiveness, marriage unity, and social and academic successes of the child make homeschooling one of the best decisions. Since homeschooling demands one of the partners to stay at home to teach, it offers a sense of security to the family.