Concepts in Environmental Health

A companion resource to ESHH 511/611 at Oregon Health & Science University

About the Course

Concepts in Environmental Health (ESHH 511/611) is a graduate-level course in the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health in Portland, Oregon. This site is designed for students, alums, and lifelong learners who want to learn more about the topic. Come one and all. Environmental health is amazing.

What is Environmental Health?


  • What is Environmental Health Science, University of Michigan, January 16, 2019, (1:33 min overview)

  • American Public Health Association (APHA) and FrameWork’s video Environment, Health, You (10 min video – overview of topic)

Getting Started

Below are some core principles of science to consider as you're getting started in Environmental Health. They shape everything.


Epigenetics is a science describing how experiences and environmental exposures can change the way our DNA works.

The environment plays a big role. Learn how exposures can impact our health -- now and for future generations

Learn more about epigenetics


Environmental exposures can impact the body by binding to receptors.

Learn why dose and poison go hand-in-hand.

Learn more about toxicology

Thinking about Exposures

Based on what you've learned about epigenetics and toxicology, how might pollution and environmental exposures affect us?


We will talk about pollution from many sources -- air, water, soil

Not surprisingly, these pollution sources have big impacts on our health.

Learn more about air quality and water quality and how they impact human health.


These aren't just environmental health topics -- they are core themes that we weave through each class throughout the entire course. Based on what you know about X, what would you predict about Y?

Environmental Justice and Vulnerable Populations

Systemic racism, health disparities, inequitable exposures -- keep your eye on those most at risk

Learn more about social justice

Climate Change

Here to stay, what would you predict for any of our topics based on our changing world?

Learn more about climate change


Talk about a sledgehammer that is hitting every core topic and lens within our class.

Learn more about COVID-19

Global Health

Environmental issues are the world's problems. How can countries work together? Where are we seeing increased health risks and poor health outcomes?

Learn more about global health

Core Topics

There are so many topics within environmental health -- including air & water quality, food safety, radiation safety, and many others. Explore topics from the lenses above.

Learn more about Core topics within environmental health


These are the models, the risk assessments, and other ways that scientists test and apply what they've learned

Learn more about about Practices

In short, welcome to Environmental Health.

We really, really need you.