Getting Started in Environmental Health


As you'll soon discover -- there is so. much. content. in environmental health. More than anyone could cover in a course. Bring your unique perspectives and background to this amazing, super important field.

Resource to Guide You

The textbook we use in Environmental Health is

  • Frumkin, H. (Ed.). (2016). Environmental health: from global to local. John Wiley & Sons. 3rd Edition.

  • However, there are all sorts of other resources that are freely available -- on this site and beyond.

DPSEEA Framework

  • Frumkin, H. (Ed.). (2016). Environmental health: from global to local. John Wiley & Sons. 3rd Edition.
    Read: Ch 1: Evolution of Human Health in Frumkin. (Goal: Get a general sense of past events in public health and environmental health -- focus on DPSEEA to frame understanding of risks and policy – think broad brush strokes when getting started)