Middle School Exemplars

Impact on Instruction

Flipping Instruction

I worked with the Math Department to use videos for instruction and host the videos on a teacher YouTube Channels. They are recording with their Project Innovate iPad and a Just Stand

Mr. Johns Channel

Mrs. Howell Channel

Google Classroom for Flipping and Online Learning

Trained in PLC , 8th Grade Teacher group, and Individually.

More teachers are using Google Classroom to give learners 24/7 access to content, organize instruction and for students to turn in assignments. "It's all in one shop." -D. Simmons

Math STAAR Preparation by Flipping Instruction by TEKS

Workstations , Flipped, TEKS Alignment, and More

After 6 face to face training and co-designing lessons, Mrs. Howell made a complete pedagogical shift in instruction. "I have never seen workstations in middle school Math. It looks like it is working really well." -Brenda Mesa, BISD Secondary Math Content Coordinator. Check out Mrs. Howell's Vlog below, where she discusses some of the great changes she has implemented.

Promoting Professional Learning Networks

The Campus DLS modeled, promoted, and trained the use of Instagram to teachers to create themselves a PLN, share students work with the World, and to create a teacher portfolio

Staff Professional Development and PLC Training

Team Alignment: Choice Boards Training Delivered at January Processional Development Day

Google Campus

Richland Middle School is a Google Campus

Everyone, from Students to Administrators are using Google Tools.

Campus Folder Containing All Key Information

043-Google Drive Richland Middle School Campus Folder

Administration Using Google Drive and Sheets for Missing Work tracking and if the teacher is in the building for tutorials

Teacher Student Collaboration with Google Tools

Google Docs - Jeff Womack.PNG

PBL with Google Sites

Student Use of Google Science to Create Websites of Biomes based on Survivor

Students Create Launching Machines to solve a central problem

An Engineer and a Pilot scored the presentations and demonstrations on several categories

Breakout EDU

Teacher Use of Flipgrid for Distance Learning Responses

Here you see examples of students using Flipgrid after their teachers received training from their DLS in their PLC

Advanced Video Creation

introvideo - Robert Moreau.mp4