Licensed Vocational Nurse

The Lassen Community College Licensed Vocational Nursing Program is open to all qualified applicants. The California Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians is the regulatory body guiding our program, as a result of state mandate no more than thirty students may be enrolled at one time. 

Online Mandatory Meeting

If you are planning on applying for the Lassen Community College Licensed Vocational Nursing Program, please take time to watch the following mandatory informational session. 

Please watch the FULL mandatory informational session prior to emailing questions. The nursing staff has taken a lot of time to carefully provide all essential information in the video. The video will be available March 1. Applications open April 1 and close May 17.  


10 month Program- FULL TIME

Entry Requirements

LVN Requirements Flyer Updated 2024.pdf


Application link will be available RIGHT HERE. 

Opens April 1, 2024 and closes May 17, 2024


Program Clinical Requirements 

The following proof of vaccination is required for clinical clearance to ensure your safety and the safety of the patients you will be serving. Keep copies of all compliance documents and do not turn paper copies into any staff member. 


Hepatitis B:

Measles, Mumps, and Rubella:

Tetanus/Diphtheria/Acellular Pertussis (Tdap):

Varicella (Chickenpox):

Influenza Vaccination:

Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement for Lassen Licensed Vocational Nursing Program 

Effective Date: October 2023 

Policy Overview: The Lassen Licensed Vocational Nursing Program at Lassen Community College acknowledges the importance of Covid-19 vaccination in mitigating the spread of the virus and ensuring a safe healthcare environment. While the Covid-19 vaccine is not currently mandatory for enrolled students, this policy outlines the procedure to be followed if the clinical sites and/or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mandate the Covid-19 vaccine at any point during the program. 

Policy Details: 

This policy is subject to periodic review and may be amended as necessary to align with evolving guidelines, mandates, or circumstances related to Covid-19. Any revisions will be communicated to enrolled students in a timely and transparent manner. 

Once accepted into the program

1. Must have been done in the last 12-months, if not student will need to receive another one.

2. TB 2-step Skin Test

3. Negative IGRA (QuantiFERON or T-spot) or

4. Negative Chest X-Ray if unable to receive PPD

Student Responsibilities 

The student vocational nurse is expected to: