Learn more about who we collaborate with and what they do

Lawyers for Climate Action Scotland is modeled after Lawyers for Climate Action New Zealand. We aim to expand to every jurisdiction around the world, and are open to partnerships with like-minded organisations to enhance the scope and remit of our work. Please get in touch if you are interested in becoming a partner, or creating a Lawyers for Climate Action in your jurisdiction.

Lawyers for Climate Action NZ Inc. (LCANZI) is a group of over 300 lawyers from all practice areas who have come together to advocate for legislation and policies to ensure New Zealand meets its climate change commitments under the Paris Agreement and achieves net zero carbon emissions no later than 2050. Among its various activities, LCANZI is running a campaign for legal recognition of the right to a sustainable environment that is protected for the benefit of present and future generations. It also operates a panel of volunteers who are willing to provide legal assistance to community groups and individuals fighting climate change on a reduced fee or pro bono basis

Alongside it partnership with LCA NZI and emerging LCA networks worldwide, LCA Scotland is partnered with local groups of legal organizations for climate and environmental action in Scotland, working closely to ensure our resources and advocacy are aligned with our purpose.

Scottish Climate Emergency Legal Network


SCELN is a group of lawyers and activists seeking to use the law to address the climate emergency, whose aims are as follows:

  1. To draw together academics, legal practitioners and activists to research and de-mystify the law on climate emergency mitigation and adaptation, including how remedies may be developed and pressed ahead: whether by discussion, argument, publicity or litigation.

  1. To explain the remedies identified to the profession, the public and campaign organizations with a view to encouraging clients and, crucially, groups to take up cases, if need be, through the courts.

To join the SCELN mailing list and get involved, contact: BenChristman@lsa.org.uk