Laboratory for Cognitive & Affective Neuropsychology

University of Cincinnati

Department of Psychology

At the Laboratory for Cognitive & Affective Neuropsychology, we have 3 main lines of research: 

1. Neuropsychological factors associated with academic learning across the lifespan, with a particular focus on reading and fluid reasoning. In this line of research, our participants are preschoolers, children and adolescents, as well as university students.

2. Cognition-emotion interactions across the lifespan. We are particularly interested in how this interaction relates to various functional outcomes (e.g., social, academic). In this line of research, our participants also range in age from young children to university students.

3. Our laboratory works closely with the Dyslexia Assessment & Diagnostic Services clinic, located within the Behavioral Health Center (operated by the University of Cincinnati, Psychology Department). Here, we access archival data from a large battery of cognitive and achievement tests, surveys and questionnaires (parent + child), as well as data from computerized tasks.

The ultimate purpose of our research program is to develop novel tests and treatments that are based on neuropsychological findings.

LCAN is a multidisciplinary and multi-site team of researchers comprised of psychology faculty, doctoral students, undergraduate research assistants, and research faculty from the School of Education and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

We invite you to visit the rest of our website and encourage you to contact us with any questions and/or comments.