The main goal of this project is to create a board game for kids and be able to launch it by adults. Although the objective is different for both, they need each other to achieve it. Adults need the game created by the students and students, on the other way around need adults to develop the formal aspects like the instructions, as well as the circulation of the game, through an advertisement. In other words, children will be in charge of the creativity part while adults will focus on how to make the game appealing.

As previously mentioned, we will have an adult student group and a children group. We have chosen board games to be the overarching subject for this collaborative project because they are culturally relevant for both groups of learners. Children will enjoy learning about them and designing their own; whereas adults will already be familiar with them and will probably have experienced playing a great variety of them. Nevertheless, the final project for both of these student groups is different. The children group will have to design a board game, and the adults will have to launch the board game designed by their telecollaboration mates.

Although both of these classes will carry out different activities and assessment tools throughout the term, they both share the same overall design. This teaching unit consists of 12 weeks sessions, with one class per week (kids on Tuesdays and adults on Thursdays ). Collaboration between the two groups will happen at different times during the term, but the interdependence between them is total, which means that one group can’t carry on if their telecollaboration mates haven’t replied back (cogwheel telecollaboration)

Often times, adult students’ activities will require that children have completed and shared their assignment’s responses and vice versa. The idea is that both group of learners will inform and help each other in the process of creating their final project.

This collaboration will happen asynchronously and in different formats. We decided on a asynchronous collaboration due to two major factors: (a) the time difference between countries, and (b) the difference in language proficiency and the fact that children will only have time to work on the project during class time, unlike adult students who are more used to and free to work outside the classroom.

This collaboration will sometimes occur in the form of a video, a shared survey via google forms, or even via google docs.

The first four sessions will be devoted to introducing themselves to the other class, familiarization with board games, and research on which board games are most popular for kids these days. Children will even get to play and compare actual board games during session 4.

Session 5-8 will be devoted to decide what elements they are going to include in the boardgame as well as the instructions that will guide it.

Finally, the third last sessions will be devoted to the creation the presentation of the board game for children, and the design of a commercial for this board games and its launch in the market in the adult group.

In terms of assessment, we will be using three different types: (a) peer assessment to evaluate their partner’s board game or commercial (in the adult group), (b) teacher assessment to evaluate student’s final project and daily participation in class, and (c ) self-assessment in the form of a pre- and post- survey to evaluate the learner’s personal learning gains after completing this class.

Some of these lessons will require the use of technological tools. Here is a brief description of what these tech tools will be used for and where to find them. Not all the tools will be used by both groups of learners, as we consider it might be too much. In every lesson is specified which of the tools will be used.

  • Google docs: this is a google feature whose goal is to make a word document shareable using an internet platform. The use of google docs allows that multiple people can edit a document collaboratively sync- and asynchronous avoiding the need for multiple versions. This tool can be found here and will be used the tool that will mostly be used by both groups of learners.

  • Padlet: it is another collaborative platform that can be used to collect opinions or even research (in the form of links) with a group of people sync- and asynchronously. This tool will be used among adults during class time in session 4 so that kids can share with the adults the aspects of board games they like the most. Find the link here.

  • Surveymonkey and google forms: are two similar online platforms used to administer questionnaires or surveys.These tools will be used for assessment purposes. The surveys are already created and we provide the links to them in the assessment section. Here and here is a link to these tools in case the instructor chooses to make some changes or add a new assessment tool.

  • Youtube: website which main objective is to share videos. It will be used when reproducing the TOYBOX Tv show. Here is the link to this tool.

  • Wevideo: is an online video recording tool that will be used to create self-introductory videos by both groups of learners and to convey some information to the other learner group (research report,...). Here is the link to this tool.

  • Imovie: app only available in apple devices, which is used to make movies. It will be used in the session in which adults have to create the commercial of the board game. Here is the link to this tool.

  • Powtoon: technological tool used to present the project to students; what the project will consist of, the goals of the students, the role of telecollaboration in the project and the students who are going to work together. Here is the link to this tool.