What Is The Difference Between

Laser Hair Removal And Electrolysis?

Permanently removing unwanted body hair is now less expensive and simpler than ever. But, before you toss out your razors and cancel your wax appointment, you should consider which method of hair removal is best for you. We spoke with Dr. Niketa Sonavane, dermatologist in Mumbai and the founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, about the differences between the two most popular methods of hair removal: laser hair removal and electrolysis.

Laser Hair Removal

How laser hair removal works?

Laser hair removal is a type of laser therapy treatment that involves pulsing highly concentrated light deep into the skin, which is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. Laser hair removal, believe it or not, is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in India. It is similar to but not the same as Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). This treatment generates heat, which kills the hair follicle and prevents future hair growth.

Treatments are timed to coincide with the hair growth cycle, which is why sessions must take place every four to six weeks. When the hair is in its active growth cycle, it absorbs more of the laser's light, creating enough heat to destroy the follicle. Each session targets new follicles until the majority of the hair is destroyed.

What to expect during a laser hair removal session?

On the patient's skin, the laser hair removal procedure has been compared to a hot stone massage. Laser hair removal can be painful, but so can other procedures such as waxing. While it is mildly uncomfortable, the sessions are usually brief. It can take about 5 minutes for smaller areas like the upper lip or chin to an hour or two for larger treatment areas like both full legs. “Every laser hair removal session should only be performed after a new cycle of hair growth comes back,” Dr. Sonavane advises. “Treatments can be done monthly in areas with dense hair and faster regrowth. Patients should wait until their hair has grown back before re-treating, which may mean that treatments become more spaced out as hairs regrow slower. Many patients begin with four-week treatments, then progress to six to eight week treatments, and finally to eight- to sixteen-week treatments.”

The LHR procedure requires little preparation. Shave a day before the session and avoid using skincare products on the day of the treatment. “It is ideal to have your hair shaved or trimmed,” says Dr. Sonavane, “but it is essential that you should be careful and avoid getting irritation from shaving prior to your laser hair removal appointment.”

Who is a good candidate for laser hair removal?

Patients with darker coloured hair are ideal candidates for laser hair removal because the energy in the laser is attracted to the follicle pigment. The ideal laser hair removal patient has light skin and dark hair.

That is not to say that people with blonde hair cannot benefit from laser hair removal; however, those people may be better served by specific lasers such as Diode or Ruby, which are designed for people with less pigmentation.

Because complexion is such an important factor in the treatment's success, it is critical to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific skin tone and hair colour. If laser hair removal is not for you, they may be able to refer you to another treatment that is better suited to your skin tone.

Regardless of your skin tone, keep in mind that results are not always guaranteed. Some people notice hair regrowth after a few months or years, while others never have to use a razor again.

How to choose the best laser clinic?

When it comes to choosing a laser hair removal clinic, price is obviously an important consideration, but it should not be the only one. Laser hair removal cost in Mumbai can range in price from Rs 1000 to Rs 20000 per session, not including tax, depending on the area to be treated. When researching, do your homework and keep in mind that you should only work with a dermatologist who has extensive experience and positive reviews.

Is maintenance needed after laser hair removal?

The main post-laser hair removal maintenance is to keep up with the sessions until you achieve the desired results. It will take about two weeks for the targeted hair to fall out after each session. While you will notice results after your first treatment, it usually takes six sessions to see a significant reduction. “If the skin is more pigmented, the laser settings will need to be adjusted for safety reasons, which may necessitate more treatment sessions,” Dr. Sonavane explains.

After six sessions, most people report a 75 to 95 percent reduction in hair growth. Having said that, the procedure does necessitate upkeep. For the best results, additional sessions should be scheduled once a year for the first few years.


How electrolysis works?

Electrolysis is another type of hair removal procedure that uses shortwave radio frequencies instead of light to disrupt hair growth. Electrolysis, as opposed to laser hair removal, is considered a permanent solution by the FDA. An epilator, which is a very fine needle that is typically thinner than a strand of hair, is inserted into the skin through the natural opening of the hair follicle. The epilator generates a small electrical current that destroys the follicle and prevents it from growing.

What to expect during electrolysis?

The electrolysis procedure will be performed in 15-minute to one-hour sessions, depending on the size of the area to be treated. Electrolysis, like laser hair removal, can cause mild pain or discomfort. The sensation has been described by many patients as a prick or a shock. Precautions are the same as with laser hair removal. Patients can also take ibuprofen or apply numbing cream ahead of time.

Dr. Sonavane also advises patients to avoid all stimulants, including caffeine. They "may make sitting through electrolysis sessions more difficult," according to Dr. Sonavane. “To minimise discomfort, it is best to be relaxed and well-rested prior to any type of hair removal treatment.”

There is a proper procedure for maintaining your hair, just as there is for laser hair removal. “The hairs can be trimmed,” Dr. Sonavane explains, “but they must be long enough for the technician to easily pick up the hairs with tweezers.” “It is best to avoid pulling out hairs in any way, including tweezing, threading, and waxing, between laser hair removal or electrolysis treatments because these hairs will not be available for treatment during their next session and will grow back untreated.”

The most significant distinction between electrolysis and laser hair removal is the number of sessions required. Electrolysis requires a significant time commitment. Depending on the area and the patient, it may take up to 30 sessions to remove all hair.

Who is the perfect candidate for electrolysis?

Because electrolysis employs radio frequencies rather than light, it attacks the follicle and does not rely on pigment, making it a viable option for people of all skin tones. It should be noted, however, that previous tweezing and waxing may make the process more difficult. Tweezing and waxing can change the shape of hair follicles, making it more difficult to reach the root with an epilator. Furthermore, electrolysis is only for the dedicated because it can take up to a year and a half to see full results. Talk to your nurse ahead of time to find out what to expect.

How to choose an electrolysis clinic?

Because electrolysis requires so many sessions, it is less expensive than laser hair removal. Each session can cost anywhere between Rs 5000 and Rs 9000, depending on the area. It is critical, as with any other cosmetic treatment, that you work with a dermatologist. Before committing to a treatment plan, always request a consultation.

Is maintenance needed after electrolysis?

Electrolysis, like laser hair removal, is dependent on the hair growth cycle, so maintenance will take the form of follow-up treatments. “Because electrolysis can only treat one hair at a time, the number of treatments required is determined by a variety of factors, including the amount of hair being treated, the technician's speed, and the thickness of the hair,” explains Dr. Sonavane. “Large areas with dense hairs may require more time to treat, which may necessitate splitting these areas up into multiple treatment sessions.” However, once the unwanted hair has been removed, it is gone for good.

Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.

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