Everything You Need To Know About

Laser Hair Removal For Men

More men are turning to laser hair removal to help them get rid of hair from head to toe. The procedure provides long-lasting results for men who want to do everything from eliminate ingrown hairs to cut down on daily grooming time, and it is safe and effective for all skin types. Intrigued? We don't blame you, but there are a few things you should be aware of before entering treatment. To begin, the best results necessitate some patience. Continue reading for an in-depth look at laser hair removal for men.

What Exactly Is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal uses a monochromatic light beam that pulses into the epidermis, destroying the hair follicle. As the process is repeated, the melanin in the hair follicle absorbs the laser energy and converts it to heat, effectively stopping production over a series of six to eight sessions spaced four to six weeks apart.

Men can get laser hair removal almost anywhere on their body, but for many, the neck and back are priority areas. Many people avoid shaving because they have too much hair and don't want to get razor burns or ingrown hairs. Collared shirts may irritate those whose sartorial lives fall into the 'corporate' category. The condition can be improved by shaving the hair on the neck.

Today's lasers can treat a wider range of skin tones and skin types. The devices provide the most pain-free experience possible. Some lasers have a cooling system to make it easier for those with low pain tolerance.

While professional laser hair removal treatments provide the best results in the shortest amount of time, at-home hair removal devices can help maintain treatment results or serve as an alternative for smaller areas.

What Should You Expect from Laser Hair Removal?

Now that you've covered the fundamentals, here's a more in-depth look at what you should know before booking your sessions:


Modern lasers can treat all skin tones, but it's important to check with your dermatologist to make sure they have the lasers needed for those with darker skin tones or lighter hair. Because the laser is designed to detect dark hair follicles.

While certain skin conditions and sensitivities can be treated, patients should first consult with a board-certified dermatologist.


Each person's laser hair removal treatment is unique. The number of sessions required depends on the individual's hair follicles, but the results are usually permanent.

Areas of Treatment.

In general, the face, neck, chest, back, groin, buttocks, and legs, as well as other areas where hair may be present, can be treated.


Six to eight sessions are typically required, with each lasting 20 minutes to an hour depending on the treatment area. The back may take 30 minutes or more, but the underarms may only take 5 to 10 minutes. You will be required to return every four to six weeks.


The cost is determined by the area to be treated as well as the number of sessions required. Prices can also vary depending on location, so make sure the professionals are trained and qualified to address your specific needs.


Laser hair removal is a months-long process that is best started in the fall or winter so that it can be completed by the summer months when the skin is more exposed to the sun. Each session must be treated as a separate treatment, complete with pre- and post-operative care.

Prior to Treatment.

For a few days, don't shave, wax, or trim your hair to ensure that there is enough growth for the laser to pick up the hair follicle.

Scale of Pain.

It won't hurt, but you might want a warm to hot massage.


Light workouts can be done a few hours after treatment, but we recommend waiting 24 to 48 hours before doing a hard workout that will cause you to sweat. Those who choose to remove facial hair should speak with their dermatologist about how to modify their skincare regimen to avoid potentially irritating retinols and chemical exfoliants.

The Bottom Line

Laser hair removal can be an excellent way for men to permanently remove unwanted facial and body hair. If you have too much hair, are tired of manscaping, and don't mind the initial time commitment, zapping the hair away can help.

Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.

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