Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

Is Laser Hair Removal Worth It?

The trend of laser hair removal is buzzing in the beauty world, I can’t help but wonder whether laser to the skin is a good idea, for the sake of removing unwanted hair. That said, I’m still curious to know what the appeal is all about so the best bet is to wait and see how others would do, before deciding it myself.

After all, the procedure comes with a hefty cost and that too got me curious why a lot of people are not put off by it. “It’s a beauty investment” they would say and the effort put first will pay off in the long run.

Hence, I’d do some research myself. Upon reading from multiple sites for a few days, it turns out that laser hair removal is not a bad thing after all, but something worthwhile should it fits with your needs and lifestyle. Despite the initial fear of lasers anywhere near the skin, technology saves us all by making it safe and painless to use, with a high-efficiency rate and permanent hair loss. 

Indeed, 90% of us are suitable candidates for getting the job done should we wish, and thanks to the continuous development in laser tech, unlike before when this treatment was fit for people with fair skin with dark hairs, more people regardless of hair and skin color can benefit from such remarkable procedure, making a positive change in their lives.

Permanent, you say? You read that right, this laser-based treatment assures permanent hair loss effectively and you can pretty much kiss your wax and shavers goodbye (maybe not, if you need some quick pluck on the stray hairs). Still, the treatment will take you a lot of time and energy, and that’s where the high overall cost comes in (for a good reason).

Despite what you’d think, getting hair laser removal is not easy and can be done in just one session; you need multiples of it, and the larger the total area you want to get it to zap, the higher the cost it’d be. Plus, scheduling multiple appointments is intended to accommodate our natural hair cycle growth (usually in a month) so if you want to have smooth-looking legs you need to have few appointments way before that. 

For example, in the first appointment, some of the hairs are still in the resting phase and not yet coming out to the surface, hence, they won’t respond (get burned, more like) with the lasers, what more with the potential of hairs that still coming out - albeit thinly - that needs extra lasers to make it fall off. Hence, more sessions are needed to ensure all of the keratin gets zapped by lasers for good. 

Reading through how the treatment works, the benefits, and even the potential side effects, I made the decision to try out laser hair removal, starting with my legs and see how it turns out.

Making the appointment was a breeze. As this is my first time making the foray into laser-based treatments, the staff assigned to me was super helpful and patiently answering my questions, making sure that I know what to expect during and after the procedure (particularly the pain issue - apparently it feels like having a rubber band snapped to the wrist). As the treatment is so common nowadays, laser hair removals have become a staple and as regular maintenance that the people trained to handle the equipment are thoroughly experienced.

Prior to the appointment, my Dermatologist instructed me to shave my legs and this is what I’ll be doing before each appointment scheduled afterward. During the procedure afterward, the staff gave me a goggle to wear, allowing me to get comfy (while I’m actually nervous), and began the procedure.

The discomfort is to be expected, and since there’s so much hair with coarser ones near the ankles the pain was stinging so much that I started to squirm in my seat. Thankfully the staff understands that it’s a common occurrence that I’ve been given a few seconds to take a breath before continuing the procedure. But rest assured as the hair will grow back (if any) relatively thinner that even if it gets zapped by lasers the pain effect is progressively milder that you can sit comfortably throughout the session.

Would I do it? I’d say yes, considering my weekly routine is saved for an hour that I don’t have to worry about obvious hair jutting out, and I can see why they’re calling it an investment.

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