Welcome Los Angeles Pierce College Colleagues!

Peer Online Course Review (POCR) is our local online course review program through which LAPC faculty work with trained reviewers to develop high-quality online classes that are engaging, inclusive, and visually appealing for students. Through the program, you are shown how to develop your course to meet quality standards that have been developed by California Virtual Campus. 

We are excited to invite you to participate! Please use this website to learn more about our program. 

Spotlight: LAPC POCR-Aligned Courses

Jamie Ray

Advanced ESL Composition (ESL 8)

Stefan Ignatovski

Introductory Accounting 1 (ACCTG 1) and Introductory Accounting 2 (ACCTG 2)

Brett Marschall

Principals of Economics II (ECON 2)

Monique Cleveland

College ESL Writing and Grammar (ESL 4A) and Reading and Vocabulary (ESL 4B) coming soon!

Heather Kokorowski

Oceanography (OCEAN 1), Oceanography Lab (OCEAN 10), Physical Geology (GEOL 1), and Environmental Science 1 (ENV SCI 1)

Jill Lockard

Physical Geology (GEOL 1), Physical Geology Lab (GEOL 6), Oceanography (OCEAN 1), and Earth Science Lecture and Lab (EARTH 3)

E. Shannon Rohrer

Women's Personal Health (HEALTH 8) and Introduction to Kinesiology (KIN MAJ 100)

Connor Dawson

The Government of the United States (POL SCI 1)

Judy Lam

Career Planning and Development (COUNSEL 8)

Rafael Orozco-Ramirez

Elementary Spanish II (SPAN 2), Spanish for Spanish Speakers I (SPAN 35), and Spanish for Spanish Speakers II (SPAN 36)

Karen Sabbah

Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1)

Kaycea Campbell

Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 1) and Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 2)

Wendy Bass

Child Growth and Development (CH DEV 1)

Erin Hayes

Cultural Anthropology (ANTHRO 102)

Lisa Valdez

Internet Research Methods (LIB SCI 102)

Jill Cohen

Lifespan Psychology (PSYCH 41) and General Psychology (PSYCH 1)

Amanda Keating

Cultural Anthropology (ANTHRO 102), Gender, Sex and Culture (ANTHRO 109), and Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (ANTH 121) coming soon!

Chris Corning

College Reading and Composition I (ENGLISH 101) 

Kia Atsales

Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft (ANTHRO 121)

Miguel Endara

Introduction to Philosophy (PHILOS 1)

Carrie Reed

Early Childhood: Principles And Practices (CH DEV 2)

Amanda Olson

Infant/Toddler Development (CH DEV 30)

Robert Loy

Public Speaking (COMM 101)

Gregory Travis

General Psychology 1 (PSYCH 1)

Maria Bates

College Reading and Composition I (ENGLISH 101)

Yvonne Grigg

College Reading and Composition II (ENGLISH 102)

Marra Kraemer

College Reading and Composition I (ENGLISH 101)

Mia Wood

History of Ancient Greek Philosophy (PHILOS 12) and Logic in Practice (PHILOS 6)
