Strategic Development Plan

A Strategic and action plan for the development of the green infrastructure has been prepared with individual goals related to the landscape and horticultural gardening practices/ management.

Goals of the strategic plan for the development of the green infrastructure for the university of Vavuniya

 Goal - 01: Enhancing the green cover to make our land environmentally friendly with biodiversity

 Goal-02: Enhance the aesthetic and functional aspects of the university area

 Goal-03: Empowering the physical and human resources of the landscape division for proper landscape management

 Goal-04: Empowering the human resources to enhance the green environment

 Goal-05: Enhancing the knowledge dissemination of the landscaping and horticulture gardening activities

 Goal-06: Improving the landscape and gardening features and practices through the proper management/ maintenance

 Goal-07: Increasing the income generation projects for the development of the landscaping and horticulture gardening

Strategic Development Plan (2023-2027) - Landscape Division (PDF Document)

Strategic Development Plan - Landscape Division.pdf