event program


If your keen on camping please contact Christine 027 489 4457 directly to book your spot, advising numbers and space provisions.

Parking will be managed in the camping area to one vehicle per camping group.

Campers can turn up and set up on site from 4:00pm onwards on Friday 3 November and or on Saturday morning before registration time.

Limited power supply is available so be prepared to camp without power.

Campers bring/supply own cooking facilities, food and beverages for evening and breakfast meals. 

No fires are to be lit and there are dedicated smoking locations.

Campers have access to shower, toilet and water supply facilities.

Friday 3 November 2023

Campers setup from 4:00pm onwards

The BBQ will be going approx. 6:30pm for a shared BBQ

Bring your own meat and a salad to share

Please note that Lakeview doesn't have a liquor license so archers should supply own alcohol.

Saturday 4 November 2023

If your camping please setup and park vehicle in the dedicated camping area.

All others please park in the dedicated parking area, get your gear setup ready to shoot.

All archers are required to visit registration desk to advise attendance and confirm your shooting division.

Registration will officially be open at 9:00am

The Practice range will officially be open at 9:00am

Welcome and Muster begins at 10:00am and archers will be briefed for the days event, sorted into groups and sent out on the long walk to start shooting approx. 10:30am

Archers will loop past club house and have the chance to stop and have a short lunch break during round - please bring cash to purchase one of our famous Lakeview burgers, a refreshing drink and other nibbles.

All score cards handed in to registration before you leave and/or retire to camping arrangements please

For those that have ordered and prepaid for the Dinner this will be served later in the evening.

Please note that Lakeview doesn't have a liquor license so archers should supply own alcohol to drink after days shooting.

If weather is fine and we have time after round there will be opportunity to have a go at our two novelty targets as indicated in the video Links below.

Archers to provide own arrows - so bring some flu flu if you have them.

Sunday 5 November 2023

 Returning or day 2 archers please park in the dedicated parking area, get your gear setup ready to shoot.

All archers are required to visit registration desk to advise attendance and confirm your shooting division.

Registration will officially be open at 9:00am

The Practice range will officially be open at 9:00am

Welcome and Muster begins at 10:00am and archers will be briefed for the days event, sorted into groups and sent out on the short walk to start shooting approx. 10:30am

Archers will loop past club house and have the chance to stop and have a short lunch break during round - please bring cash to purchase one of our famous Lakeview burgers, a refreshing drink and other nibbles.

When every one has finished short course specialty targets will commence.

Score cards should be checked and handed into registration as soon as the days event is finished for your group to ensure recording of results and prizegiving can happen smoothly.

Prizegiving will commence as soon as results are processed.

Likely finish time approx. 5:00pm

Please note that Lakeview doesn't have a liquor license so archers should supply own alcohol to drink after days shooting.