Join Workshop: Option to Contribute

Bring in experiences from your context: Connect to prepare for scaling-up

The submission of contributions is closed.

Participation in the workshop is still possible after registration for the workshop through LAK24 website. You are welcome to participate in this workshop without a pre-submitted contribution; discussions will take place during the workshop based on the pre-submitted contributions in which the contribution of all workshop participants is welcome.

What challenges do/did you face and overcome in scaling-up the use of Learning Analytics in your institution?

Large-scale adoption of Learning Analytics (LA) remains lacking as does research into it. Sharing your research experience in LA adoption can benefit others and vise versa. Therefore  we give all participants of this workshop the possibility to consider a research contribution to this workshop detailing (case-)studies where LA benefits students learning, specifying approaches to improving data processes, and stakeholder engagement (such as participatory design and institutional collaboration). 

Contributions (optional) of 10-minute presentations may be submitted as an abstract of up to 300 words. Based on the abstract, the workshop organization will carefully review the submissions and select a compelling array of diverse contributions that fit the workshop structure, schedule, and enrich the workshop (e.g., other context than the European context). The abstract should contain a short description of the challenge, a short description of the context and the solution, which might be work in progress.

Please, use the form below to submit your abstract.

We also welcome participants who are interested in the scale-up issue without specific knowledge and experience; thus, submission of a proposal is not mandatory. 

NOTE 1: Please subscribe for the workshop via the website of LAK24. Only contributions of people who have been subscribed for the workshop can in the end become part of the Workshop program.

NOTE 2: Please be aware that the contributions will not be part of any proceedings but will be published on this website under follow-up

16 Dec 2023: Submission Deadline 300 words abstract for contribution during workshop (submission is closed)

13 Jan 2024: Notification of Acceptance for presentation submitted to the workshops

The submission of contributions is closed.

Participation in the workshop is still possible after registration for the workshop through LAK24 website. You are welcome to participate in this workshop without a pre-submitted contribution; discussions will take place during the workshop based on the pre-submitted contributions in which the contribution of all workshop participants is welcome.