Publications 2014

  • Ben Hassine, K., M., El Riachy, A., Taamalli, D., Malouche, M., Ayadi, K., Talmoudi, M., Aouini, Y., Jlassi, C., Benincasa, E., Romano, E., Perri, A., Kiristakis, M., Hamdi, N., Grati-Kammoun and M., Hammami, "Consumer discrimination of Chemlali and Arbequina olive oil cultivars according to their cultivar, geographical origin, and processing system", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2014, 116, 812-824.

  • Lefranc, M.P., V., Giudicelli, P., Duroux, J., Jabado-Michaloud, G. Folch, S., Aouinti, E., Carillon, H., Duvergey, A., Houles, T., Paysan-Lafosse, S., Hadi-Saljoqi, S., Sasorith, G., Lefranc and S., Kossida, "IMGT R., the international ImMunoGenetics information system R. 25 years on", Nucleic Acids Research, 1, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gku1056

  • Ben Hassine, K., A., Taamalli, M., Ben Slama, K., Talmoudi, A., Kiristakis, C., Benincasa, E., Perri, D., Malouche, M., Hammami, S., Bornaz and N., Grati Kammoun, "Characterization and preference mapping of some 3 autochthonous and introduced olive oil cultivars in Tunisia", Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 116, DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201400049

  • Zmerli Triki, H., O. Kéfi Daly-Yahia, D. Malouche , Y., Komiha , A., Deidun, M. Brahim and M. Laabir (2014), "Distribution of resting cysts of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax in recently-deposited sediment within Bizerte Lagoon (Mediterranean coast, Tunisia)", Marine Pollution Bulletin, 84, 172–181.

  • Bouziri, A. and S., Pekovic (2014), "Being green to become innovative? An empirical analysis among French firms", Economies et Sociétés, Série "Dynamique technologique et organisation", 15 (3), 413-430.

  • Ben Elhadj, N., R., Lahmandi-Ayed and D., Laussel (2014), "Advertising, spillovers and market structure", Louvain Economic Review, 80 (3), 47-95.