
LabMontiTM is engaged in projects serving the Native communities of Arizona and college-bound veterans. Research group members also take part and organize a number of outreach activities in the Tucson community.

Project PRISE

"Promoting Inquiry in Science Education (PRISE)" is a collaborative effort among The University of Arizona College of Science, Navajo Nation Office of Dinè Science, Math and Technology, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Piñon Unified School District. Designed to target sixty (60) K-8 elementary teachers, Project PRISE will focus on providing science content professional development institute modules in physical and life science encompassing scientific inquiry. Each institute module will include content and interactive instructional strategies and activities aligned with the Arizona Department of Education and Professional Teaching Standards. This format will assist to better understand that scientific phenomena are perceived from diverse perspectives. The proposed instructional strategy is designed to enhance existing curriculum instructional materials. Each collaborating partner will provide the scientific and K – 8 educational expertise by bringing expert scientists and multi-cultural educators together. The Dinè and Hopi Nations bring their cultural knowledge. As the LEA, Piñon Unified School District brings the awareness of their K-8 elementary teachers needing professional development in science content knowledge. The University of Arizona and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory (NOAO) bring scientific and teaching expertise. Master science teachers bring years of experience as classroom science teachers. Teachers will have the opportunity to engage in analysis of the individual components of pedagogical content knowledge — science learning, learning, and pedagogy — and interactively make connections between them.

Veterans in College

Veterans of the US Armed Services often bring a very different life experience to college, which affords them unique skills but can also pose very specific challenges. LabMontiTM is providing training to make the transition from life in the military to college as smooth as possible, and helps with maximizing opportunities for learning and growth once in college. We are the campus leaders for the Warrior Scholar Project, and are creating a cohort of Veterans in Research for veterans enrolled in STEM at Arizona. Contact us if you are interested in participating!