As a research center in the Economics Department at USC, LABEL is part of the PREDOC consortium whose mission is to foster predoctoral education among a talented and diverse population of students.


Students attending our PREDOC program are exposed to day-to-day activities related to current research projects at the lab. These include 


Students enrolled in our PREDOC program participate in training activities that take place at the lab and in dedicated lab meetings. They also attend LABEL sponsored events and classes.

LABEL community

A lab is a family. Students have the opportunity to interact with other  graduate and pre-doctoral students and visitors, allowing them to share skills, knowledge and ideas. 

The lab features a space where students can work and exchange ideas. 

Students also interact with our remote students (from high school to master degree) and participate in joint research activities with them. 


LABEL offers one or two funded positions per year. They are advertised through our social networks, including the PREDOC network.

LABEL also invites applications from self funded students for short or long periods of time. Applications can be submitted to our regular calls here. Those positions may be partially funded by us.

We sponsor visas.


Students enrolled in our program were admitted in graduate programs in top US and European Universities. 

They pursue studies and careers in Behavioral Sciences, Economics and Psychology.

Check out our Alumni Page.