

高田まゆら・研究室メンバー 業績リスト


Nagai M*, Y Higuchi, Y Ishikawa, W Guo, T Fukatsu, Y G Baba, M B Takada* (2022) Periodically taken photographs reveal the effect of pollinator insects on seed set in lotus flowers. Scientific Reports, 12: 11051. [プレスリリース], [日本経済新聞],

Tamura Y, T Osawa, K Tabuchi, K Yamasaki, T Niiyama, S Sudo, Y Ishigooka, A Yoshioka, M B Takada (2022) Estimating plant-insect interactions under climate change with limited data. Scientific Reports, 12: 10554. [プレスリリース],

Yamasaki K, K Tabuchi, A Takahashi, T Osawa, A Yoshioka, Y Ishigooka, S Sudo, M B Takada* (2021) Intraspecific variations in life history traits of two pecky rice bug species from Japan: mapping emergence dates and number of annual generations. Ecology and Evolution, 11: 16936–16950.

Hata A, R Nakashita, K Fukasawa, M Minami, Y Fukue, N Higuchi, H Uno, Y Nakajima, M Saeki, C Kozakai, M B Takada (2021) Occurrence patterns of crop-foraging sika deer distribution in an agriculture-forest landscape revealed by nitrogen stable isotopes. Ecology and Evolution,11: 15303–15311.

Hata A, R Nakashita, T Anezaki, M Minami, Y Fukue, N Higuchi, H Uno, Y Nakajima, M Saeki, C Kosakai, M B Takada (2021) Agricultural crop consumption induces precocious maturity in deer by improving physical and reproductive performance. Ecosphere, 12(4): e03464. [プレスリリース],

Yamaguchi E, M Kadohira, K Fujii, K Kobayashi, M B Takada (2020) Utilization of municipality records for the early-stage management of introduced raccoons in Japan. Management of Biological Invasions, 11(2): 306 – 324.

Hata A, H Tsukada, A Washida, T Mitsunaga, M B Takada, T Suyama, M Takeuchi (2019) Temporal and spatial variation in the risk of grazing damage to sown grasslands by sika deer (Cervus nippon) in a mountainous area, central Japan. Crop Protection, 119: 185 – 190.

Dainese M, …, M B Takada, et al. (2019) A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production. Science Advances 5: eaax 0121.

Osawa T, K Yamasaki, K Tabuchi, A Yoshioka, Y Ishigooka, S Sudo, M B Takada (2018) Climate-mediated population dynamics enhance distribution range expansion in a rice pest insect. Basic and Applied Ecology, 30: 41 – 51.

Osawa T, K Yamasaki, K Tabuchi, A Yoshioka, M B Takada (2018) Detecting crucial dispersal pathways using a virtual ecology approach: A case study of the mirid bug Stenotus rubrovittatus. Ambio 47(7): 1 – 10.

Karp D S, …, M B Takada, et al. (2018) Crop pests and predators exhibit inconsistent responses to surrounding landscape composition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(33): E7863 - E7870.

Baba Y G, A Tanikawa, M B Takada, K Futami (2018) Dead or alive? Sexual conflict and lethal copulatory interactions in long-jawed Tetragnatha spiders. Behavioral Ecology, 29: 1278 – 1285.

大熊 勳, 吉松 大基, 高田 まゆら*, 赤坂 卓美, 柳川 久 (2017) 北海道十勝地域の農地景観におけるニホンジカおよびアカギツネの河畔林利用頻度に影響する要因とその季節変化. 保全生態学研究 22(1): 63 – 73.

Hata A, M B Takada*, R Nakashita, K Fukasawa, T Oshida, Y Ishibashi, Y Sato (2017) Stable isotope and DNA analyses reveal the spatial distribution of crop‐foraging brown bears. Journal of Zoology, 303(3): 207 – 217.

山口英美, 高田まゆら, 藤井啓, 小林恒平, 今井邦俊, 門平睦代* (2015) 北海道十勝地域におけるアライグマのToxoplasma gondii 抗体陽性率に関連する環境要因. 獣医疫学雑誌 19: 108 – 113.

馬場友希, 高田まゆら (2015) 農地研究から解き明かすクモの生態: 圃場から国土スケールまで (特集 クモ研究の現在: 新たな技術と視点から). 生物科学 66: 101 – 111.

Sato Y, C Kamiishi, T Tokaji, M Mori, S Koizumi, K Kobayashi, T Itoh, W Sonohara, M B Takada, T Urata (2014) Selection of rub trees by brown bears (Ursus arctos) in Hokkaido, Japan. ACTA THERIOLOGICA, 59(1): 129 – 137.

Yoshioka A, M B Takada, I Washitani (2014) Landscape effects of a non-native grass facilitate source populations of a native generalist bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus, in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape. JOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE, 14:110.

Takada M B, Shun Takagi, Shigeki Iwabuchi, Takuya Mineta, Izumi Washitani (2014) Comparison of generalist predators in winter-flooded and conventionally managed rice paddies and identification of their limiting factors. SPRINGERPLUS, 3

Takada M B, T Miyashita (2014) Dispersal-mediated effect of microhabitat availability and density dependence determine population dynamics of a forest floor web spider. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY, 83(5): 1047 – 1056.

Takada M B, T Kobayashi, A Yoshioka, S Takagi, I Washitani (2013) Facilitation of ground-dwelling wolf spider predation on mind bugs by horizontal webs built by Tetragnatha spiders in organic paddy fields. JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY, 41(1): 31 – 35.

Minoshima M, M B Takada, N Agetsuma, T Hiura (2013) Sika deer browsing differentially affects web-building spider densities in high and low productivity forest understories. Ecoscience, 20(1): 55 – 64.

西尾翼, 高田まゆら*, 宇野裕之, 佐藤喜和, 柳川久 (2013) 北海道十勝地域におけるアカギツネ (Vulpes vulpes) のロードキル発生に対する影響要因の解析: 道路周辺の景観構造およびエゾシカ駆除・狩猟の影響に注目して. 哺乳類科学 53: 301 – 310.

Takada M B, A Yoshioka, S Takagi, S Iwabuchi, I Washitani (2012) Multiple spatial scale factors affecting mirid bug abundance and damage level in organic rice paddies. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL, 60(2): 169 – 174.

Kobayashi T, M Takada, S Takagi, A Yoshioka, I Washitani (2011) Spider predation on a mirid pest in Japanese rice fields. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY, 12(6): 532 – 539.

Yoshioka A, M Takada, I Washitani (2011) Facilitation of a Native Pest of Rice, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Hemiptera: Miridae), by the Non-Native Lolium multiflorum (Cyperales: Poaceae) in an Agricultural Landscape. ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY, 40(5): 1027 – 1035.

吉岡明良, 高田まゆら, 鷲谷いづみ (2010) 農地生態系への植物の侵入・導入がもたらす 「見かけの競争」 型害虫被害と広域的発生源管理の可能性. 関東雑草研究会 21: 26 – 34.

高田まゆら, 鈴木牧, 落合啓二, 浅田正彦, 宮下直 (2010) 景観構造を考慮したニホンジカによる水稲被害発生機構の解明とリスクマップの作成. 保全生態学研究 15: 203 – 210.

柳洋介, 高田まゆら, 宮下直* (2008) ニホンジカによる森林土壌の物理環境の改変: 房総半島における広域調査と野外実験. 保全生態学研究 13: 65 – 74.

Takada M, Y G Baba, Y Yanagi, S Terada, T Miyashita (2008) Contrasting responses of web-building spiders to deer browsing among habitats and feeding guilds. Environmental entomology, 37(4): 938 – 946.

Miyashita T, M Suzuki, M Takada, G Fujita, K Ochiai, M Asada (2007) Landscape structure affects food quality of sika deer (Cervus nippon) evidenced by fecal nitrogen levels. POPULATION ECOLOGY, 49(3): 185 – 190.

Miyashita T, M Takada (2007) Habitat provisioning for aboveground predators decreases detritivores. ECOLOGY, 88(11): 2803 – 2809.

Miyashita T, M Takada, A Shimazaki (2004) Indirect effects of herbivory by deer reduce abundance and species richness of web spiders. ECOSCIENCE, 11(1): 74 – 79.

Takada M, T Miyashita (2004) Additive and non-additive effects from a larger spatial scale determine small-scale densities in a web spider Neriene brongersmai. POPULATION ECOLOGY, 46(2): 129 – 135.

Miyashita T, M Takada, A Shimazaki (2003) Experimental evidence that aboveground predators are sustained by underground detritivores. OIKOS 103(1): 31 – 36.

Takada M, M Asada, T Miyashita (2003) Can spines deter deer browsing?: A field experiment using a shrub Damnacanthus indicus. Journal of Forest Research, 8(4): 321 – 323.

Takada M, M Asada, T Miyashita (2002) Cross-habitat foraging by sika deer influences plant community structure in a forest-grassland landscape. OECOLOGIA, 133(3): 389 – 394.

Takada M, M Asada, T Miyashita (2001) Regional differences in the morphology of a shrub Damnacanthus indicus: An induced resistance to deer herbivory? ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 16(4): 809 – 813.

* corresponding author


馬場友希, 村田遼大, 松本吏樹郎, 高田まゆら (2020)ハネナシヒメバチ属の一種によるウヅキコモリグモの卵のうへの寄生. KISHIDAIA 118:12-13.

Tajima M, A Hata, R Nakashita, K Sasaki, N Matsumoto, J Tomiyasu, M B Takada, T Oshida (2020) Hair growth of brown bears during winter. 帯広畜産大学学術研究報告 41: 61 – 65.

高田 まゆら (2014) 景観構造に着目したシカ食害の仕組み解明. 農業技術体系 最新農業技術 作物 7.

佐藤喜和, 高田まゆら, 園原和夏, 伊藤哲治, 小林喬子, 伊吾田宏正 (2014) ヒグマ個体群の空間構造―アトラクティブ・シンク現象の解明と被害管理への応用―. 哺乳類科学 54: 161 – 163.

高田 まゆら (2009) 企画集会 「始めよう! ベイズ推定によるデータ解析」 に参加して: 始めようとしている者からの参加レポート (参加レポート< 特集 2> 始めよう! ベイズ推定によるデータ解析) . 日本生態学会誌 59: 217 – 218.


高田まゆら (2010) 第10章 水田害虫に対する捕食性天敵の機能評価 (鷲谷いづみ, 宮下 直, 西廣 淳, 角谷 拓 編 「保全生態学の技法」)東京大学出版会. (分担執筆)