
Overnight excursion to mountain villa Ryokan

Sunday, May 19th-20th

Workshop participants are invited to join a post-workshop excursion to the mountain resort area of Hakone in nearby Kanagawa prefecture and stay at a traditional ryokan-style mountain villa, Taigakuso 対岳荘

We will depart from the conference venue by coach bus following the closing of the workshop on Sunday, May 19th, at approximately 2:30pm. The roughly 90-minute drive will arrive with time to relax and enjoy the mountain scenery or soak in the natural hot spring onsen within the hotel. A multi-course dinner of "Japanese ryori" will be served in the hotel banquet room, with additional time after dinner to spend time with fellow conference participants or bathe in the hot spring onsen.

Following breakfast in the dining room, we will take in some local sightseeing, including the local town and the ropeway cable car that crosses several ravines to arrive at Lake Ashi where lunch will provided at a lakeside restaurant.

Return transportation by coach bus will leave us back at the university campus by 5pm on Monday, May 20th.


Registration for the Post-Workshop Excursion is now closed.


Traditional Japanese-style rooms, known as "wa-shitsu" 和室, are multi-use rooms arranged during the day with cushioned seating, "zabuton" 座布団, and a low table, as well as chairs at the balcony for enjoying the outdoor scenery. In the evening the furniture is rearranged with thick futon and bedding laid out for sleeping. Room sizes are measured in "mats" or "jo" 畳 (a character also used to write "tatami"). For example, below is an 8-mat room. Each room is equipped with its own bathroom, but the natural hot spring fed "onsen" 温泉 is located centrally, with separate facilities for men and women.


Dinner (5/19), breakfast and lunch (5/20) are all included. A typical full-course "Japanese ryori" dinner will be served at the ryokan.

Breakfast will be served at the inn.

Lunch will be served at a lakeside restaurant

Lake Ashi

Taigakuso Entrance


Hakone Ropeway


Lake Ashi and Mt Fuji
