Core Values


Respect is treating everything-- people, animals, nature, inanimate objects --the way you want to be treated. This is my #1 core value because it exemplifies the most basic understanding that everything has value. When we lose touch of this, it’s easy to not care about the world around us. Respect grounds me.


Balance is all about finding a rhythm whether it’s carving out "me time" in the week or hitting the food groups when making dinner. Whenever I am off balance I can tell almost immediately-- I feel it in my chest. When this happens I set aside time to recenter myself. I don't show up as my best self (present and fully-engaged) when I am unsettled. This is important across all aspects of my life from university to work to personal life.


Resiliency is getting back on your feet, even after being knocked down the 10th or 100th time. My moms instilled this value in me. Each of them exemplify resiliency both by example and by supporting me through difficult times. I believe resiliency is one of the most important values one can have because life will never be easy or controllable. As a result, we must be prepared to face the unknown, ready to get back up again.


Gratitude is showing appreciation and can be expressed in many ways from hand-written cards to to quality time spent. I have a gratitude practice that I commit to doing at least twice a day. Even when I am feeling down, I am able to find things I am grateful for. To me, this, focusing on what we have, is an essential part of living a fulfilled life.


Family are the people who love and support you. I’ve never had a traditional family, but that is what makes it special-- it’s what you make it. I wouldn’t be who I am today without my family. Because of them I have all of the values you've read (hopefully) just read.