Soil Sample Voucher Program 

We cover the full cost of basic soil sample testing for Fayette County residents and landowners, up to 10 samples per year.


Soil sample vouchers are available here on our website, at the FCCD office or at the Fayette County Cooperative Extension office.

Vouchers may only be used at the University of Kentucky's Extension Lab. 

Applicant must be a Fayette County resident.

Soil sample must be taken from a Fayette County address.

Limit 10 samples per household.

Please submit completed form, along with your soil sample(s) to:

University of Kentucky Extension Office

1140 Harry Sykes Way

Lexington, KY 40504

2023_Soil Sample Program Application (fillable) (1).pdf

Taking Samples 

Taking Soil Test Samples.pdf

Submitting Samples

To learn more about taking and submitting soil samples visit the Fayette County Cooperative Extension website and view their page on soil samples. 

1140 Harry Sykes Way, Lexington KY 40504

Phone: 859-257-5582                            


Office Hours: Mon. - Fri.,  8:00am-4:30pm