Background information

Project 1 - Cowbird


The reason why I chose a cowbird for our first project this year is because of my connection with one of these amazing creatures. My father had found a nest that was attacked by a house cat with only one surviving nestling (a nestling is an extremely young bird who isn't even ready to leave its nest). Our family mended this helpless bird to full health before we released her back into the wild. We had mistaken the young bird to be a sparrow so we needed up naming her Sparrow. So here are some more photos of Sparrow if you are interested!

More birds!

If you are a bird lover, like me, you can also try drawing some parakeets on your own time. The two smallest members of my family are white and blue parakeets! Their names are Tofu and Sky respectively. If you end up sketching any of these precious birds, I would love to take a look! You can simply share it during class or over email, however, none of this is required.

Some of the photos may not be very clear, but I still included them just for fun :)

