

Projects 1, 2, 3, and 4

Remaining Projects

Projects 3 & 4 - Open

The remaining projects this year will consist of a couple projects and pieces that are more free form and open to the artist. So, instead of traditional instruction, students will be given the chance to create compositions from their own imagination. A general subject area or medium may be assigned as inspiration, but the rest is up to the artist. Some of these guilds will include red spider lilies and fabric paint. I am excited to see what amazing compositions you all will make this year!
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require any assistance or would like some critques, feel free to contact any of the instructors.

Finished Projects 3 & 4

Project 2 - Jellyfish

The project to kick off our second semester is the lion's mane jellyfish which is also known as the giant jellyfish, arctic red jellyfish, or the hair jelly. This impressive jellyfish is one of the largest known species of jellyfish. The objective of this project to develop your skills in applying an array of several different colors in order to create a fluorescent effect. Like many of our other projects, this painting relies a lot on taking advantage of lights and darks.
With that said, this project will be done in acrylic with a black canvas that should have been prepared in advance. Materials can be found on the materials page or in the weekly email.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require any assistance or would like some critques, feel free to contact any of the instructors.

Jellyfish - Sketch and Base Painting

Here is the video from our second class of the semester. I just speed it up and added a voice over in order to vaguely explain my process. If you would like the full video please constant me for the full recording.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Jellyfish - Painting Tentacles (pt.1)

During this class, we started painting the top half of the tentacles and here is a video recap of what we accomplished. I included a few clips from out class, but the majority has been sped up. Parts where the videos has been sped up, I included some narration. Hopefully you all are able to complete the top portion of the tentacles as well before next class and we'll be ready to finish up pretty soon!
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Finished Project 2

Project 1 - Kyoto Landscape

Our first project of the year will be a multimedia piece involving watercolor and ink pens. The reference for this project is of a rural cityscape in Kyoto, Japan from my family's vacation a few years ago. Student's object is to improve their skills in capturing one point perspective and explore the world of blending a variety of media.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require extra help or would like a critique of your current piece, Miss Iris Zhou, the assistant instructor, and your co-instructors, Miss Sophia Zhou and Mr. Xuguo Zhou, will be available to contact through email anytime.

Kyoto, Japan

During our family's trip to Kyoto, Japan, we were in awe at the beautiful landscapes. Among one of my favorite places we visited was this quaint little town with lots of traditional Japanese architecture!
But enough said, let's start drawing!

Kyoto Landscape - Sketch Video

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to refer back to my sketch once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Kyoto Landscape - Inking and Painting

Here is the requested video from our class on October 30. I just speed it up and added a voice over in order to vaguely explain my process. If you would like the full video please constant me for the full recording.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Finished Project 1


Projects 1, 2, and 3

Project 1 - Cowbird

Our first project of the year will be a sketch of a female, fledgling cowbird similar to the image on the left. This will help us assess your current abilities in art before we carry on. You are NOT expected to draw on the same level as the instructors for this first class.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require extra help or would like a critique of your current piece, Miss Iris Zhou has provided an extra zoom class on Wednesdays. Your other instructors may pop in from time to time, but this is not a guarantee.

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 1 - Sketch Video

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to refer back to my sketch once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom. I did, however, edit in some music and add a few notes that will hopefully help you.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 1 - Shading Video Part I

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to refer back to my first shading video once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom. I did, however, edit in some music and add a few notes that will hopefully help you.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 1 - Shading Video Part II

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to refer back to my first shading video once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom. I did, however, edit in some music and add a few notes that will hopefully help you. Your homework for the upcoming week is to finish project 1 before the beginning of the next class. Below, I will attach a copy of my finished work. Remember that artists are not photocopiers, so you are not required to replicate the bird feather for feather. Instead, aim for creating a similar texture and 3 dimensionality.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Finished Project 1

Project 2 - Pailou

Our second project this year will be a sketch of a Chinese pailou as seen in the image on the left. A huge part of this piece is dependent on proportions especially due to the perspective in which this photo was taken. So, the objective of this piece is to grasp a better understanding of proportion.
After the zoom meeting, me and my father encourage you all to continue working on your pieces throughout the rest of the week. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require extra help or would like a critique of your current piece, Miss Iris Zhou has provided an extra zoom class on Wednesdays. You can also contact any of us through our emails with any questions.

Click on this link to access the reference from two different perspectives.

Project 2 - Pailou

This specific pailou is from Shandong and our reference photos were actually taken by my father! If you are interested in architecture there all sorts of amazing shrines, archways, palaces, and more that you can find all over China, not just Shanghai.

Reference Photo 2

*This photo should only be used as a reference for the fine details in this structure. We will be drawing the Pailou from the side view instead.*
KYCAA Visual Art - Project 2 - Sketching Part I.mp4

Project 2 - Sketching Video Part I

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to reference back to my first sketching video once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom. I did, however, edit in some music and add a few notes that will hopefully help you. Your homework for the upcoming week is to finish your initial sketch before the beginning of next class. Remember that this sketch does not have to be perfect, we just want to get an idea of the placement of the parts of the structure.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 3 - Emmanuelle Béart

Our third project this year will be a sketch of a French actress, Emmanuelle Béart as seen in the image on the left. A huge part of this piece is dependent on shading especially due to the structure of organic forms like people. So, the objective of this piece is to capture the likeness of a person through the use of varying values.
After the zoom meeting, me and my father encourage you all to continue working on your pieces throughout the rest of the week. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If you require extra help or would like a critique of your current piece, Miss Iris Zhou has provided an extra zoom class on Wednesdays. You can also contact any of us through our emails with any questions.

Click on this link to access the reference in black&white and color.

Project 2 - Sketching Guidelines

For those who did not finish their sketch or would like to refer back to my guidelines once more, this is the same video as the one I used during zoom. I did, however, edit in some music and add a few notes that will hopefully help you. As I had mentioned in class, these guidelines will be very helpful when developing your sketch. Your homework for the upcoming week is to finish the guidelines and hopefully parts of the initial sketch before the beginning of the next class. Below, I will attach a copy of my finished work.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through our respective emails. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image in black&white and color.


Project 3 - Shading Video Part I

This video depicts a sped up version of how I shaded in the eyes of this portrait. I choose to shade in the eyes first because I believe that they are the most important part of a portrait. However, if you are not comfortable with doing so, you can watch a later video where I shade in the other parts of the portrait or you can reach out to me. An explanation of my process will be provided on zoom in class. Your homework for the upcoming week is to finish shading in the eyes before the beginning of next class. Below, I will attach a copy of my finished work.
Again, if you need help with any of your pieces, please reach out to either me or my father through email. We would also like for you guys to continue on your pieces outside of class, so we hope to see some progress in your sketches at the beginning of the next lesson. Have a great week!

Click on this link to access the reference image in black&white and color.

Finished Project 3


Projects 4, 5, and 6

Project 4 - Parakeet

Welcome back! I hope you all had a relaxing break.
We have explored numerous different subjects by drawing with graphite. Now that we have reached a certain proficiency with graphite, we will focus more on colored pieces in the second semester. So, for the next 2-3 weeks, we will be creating a watercolor piece of a parakeet, as requested by one of our students.
As we have already drawn a bird, many of those techniques we used for the cowbird will cross over into this piece so we will be primarily focusing on a new idea, color usage. I will teach you some basics of watercolor and color theory so that you are able to create a simple yet beautiful image of a parakeet. But for our first class, we will only be discussing the plans for the rest of the school year as well as creating the initial sketch.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form.

Click on this link to access the reference image.
Parakeet Reference Photos

Project 4 - Initial Sketch

This video introduces how to create the initial sketch for our watercolor parakeet project. Remember to sketch lightly and try not to erase too much if possible. This video is sped up, so if you can't keep up, simply pause the video whenever you need to or you can contact me to send you a video at regular speeds.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. We will be starting to color this piece soon, so please remember to bring adequate materials (watercolor, brushes, etc.) to our next class.

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 4 - Watercolor Application Part I

In this video, we begin to experiment with a medium, watercolor. For many of you, this may be the first time you have worked with watercolor so don't get frustrated. When painting this piece, if it seems unfamiliar and hard to grasp, this is totally normal. Just keep pushing through and remember that we are simply experimenting with this new medium at the moment. This video is sped up, so if you can't keep up, simply pause the video whenever you need to or you can contact me to send you a video at regular speeds. Finally, keep in mind to...
  • Try to erase as you begin to apply color because we don't want any pencil lines to show through in our final piece.
  • Test the color you're about to apply on a separate sheet of paper to ensure that it is the color you're looking for.
  • Test the amount of water on your brush to make sure it's not too dry or too wet.

After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. If it is helpful, you can reference my finished interpretation of this parakeet.

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Finished Project 4

Project 5 - Resin Ring

Second to last project of the year!
We have experimented with watercolor and now we're going to try color pencil. Color pencil is very meticulous and requires a lot of patience and time, so we may need to take a few extra classes to finish this piece. This time, we will try to create an image of a resin ring (as shown on the left-hand side).
This piece of jewelry is quite complex so this project will be a considerable challenge for most of you all. However, as long as work we through it thoroughly we'll be able to replicate this beautiful piece of jewelry. Unlike other pieces we have worked on, this piece will be colored in separate portions, so the process will be slightly different. But we'll discuss this over time in class.
Looking forward to seeing you on zoom!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 5 - Sketch

This video introduces how to create the initial sketch for our resin ring. Remember to sketch lightly and try not to erase too much if possible. This video is edited, so if you can't keep up, simply pause the video whenever you need to or you can contact me to send you a video at regular speeds.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. The more you practice, the more proficient you will be in this art form. We will be starting to color this piece soon, so please remember to bring adequate materials (color pencils) to our next class.

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 5 - Coloring Part I

This video reviews our class discussing how to color our resin ring. Remember that this video should be a review so it will not be super detailed. For further questions, please reach out to either me or my father. This video is edited, so if you can't keep up, simply pause the video whenever you need to or you can contact me to send you a video at regular speeds.
To summarize what we did in class, here are some things to keep in mind while coloring:
  • The shadows of your piece should not be a true black. Instead, your shadows should be a combination of dark tones like dark brown, purple, and blue.
  • Along the same lines, the shadows in this piece are also quite wonky so there are a variety of colors that are present. I would recommend that you try to blend together a selection of colors on a separate sheet of paper before testing it out on your piece.
  • When you are coloring, use small circles, but also be sure to color in the direction and flow of the ring.
  • Don't forget the white color pencil! It may not seem like much on its own but it is a very good blending device.
  • Work on layering and developing each section in small portions instead of trying to attack the entire piece at once.

See you next week.

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 6 - Cheng Xiao

Welcome back from spring break!
We will resume class today by starting on our new portrait project. This time, we will use our remaining class sessions to draw popular Chinese influencer, Cheng Xiao. Currently, a member of the girl group Cosmetic girls, Cheng Xiao is well-known for her singing and dancing. Most recently, she participated in "Chinese Idol Producer" as a mentor along with GOT7's Jackson Wang.
We have previously drawn a portrait during the fall semester, however, I do not think we were given enough time to really develop it. This piece, however, will be taken from a different approach where we will use the griding method. This class will only concern the sketch and we will work on shading next week.
After the zoom call, we encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. Especially with the griding method, this piece will require students to put in extra effort but we have faith that everyone will end the semester strong!

Click on this link to access the reference image.

Project 6 - Sketch

This video introduces how to create the initial sketch for our portrait of Cheng Xiao. Remember to sketch lightly and try not to erase too much if possible. This video is edited, so if you can't keep up, simply pause the video whenever you need to or you can contact me to send you a video at regular speeds.
After the zoom call, we, as always, encourage you all to continue working on your pieces at home. Good luck with your sketches and see you next week!

Click on this link to access the reference image.