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         (JUN 15, 2024)

       (MAR 1, 2024)

Working time

In Korea, workers should work for 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week, but they can work longer by 12 hours a week under the agreement with their employers. Before 2018, overtime work was allowed by 28 hours a week. Since there are no limits on overtime work on a day, theoretically workers can work for 20 hours per day. It is even possible for those workers in the transport industry, health industry, primary industry and businesses that have less than 5 workers can  because there are no regulations on working time.

Karoshi (Death from overwork)

In Korea ‘Karoshi’ has not been defined yet. Instead, most work related cerebral or cardiovascular diseases are perceived as the Karoshi. Workers, who work over 60 hours a week or over 52 hours with shift work, heavy workload, or work without sufficient breaks are the risk factors for being diagnosed with work-related illness.

Karo Jisatsu

Korea’s suicide rate is very high. Suicide is the first leading cause of death for one’s 20s to 30s. For 40s and 50s, it is the second leading cause of death. In 2018, 13,670 people, 26 percent of 100,000 died from suicide. 35 percent of those who died from suicide are workers a lot of whom choose to commit suicide after suffering from resignation, dismissal, personal relationship issues at work, occupation changes or workload changes.

However, the number of approved cases as industrial injury for suicide or mental illness is very low in Korea.

About Us

Korea Institute of Labor Safety and Health (KILSH) was founded in 2003 by workers, labor movement activists, doctors and lawyers to put the agenda of ‘professional workers’ safety and health movement focusing on the field’. KILSH is working on the working time and the Karoshi issues, work-related mental illness and the Karo Jisatsu, health rights of teenage workers and female workers, and the Stop Work Authority. KILSH is building solidarity with workers from not only manufacturing industry but construction industry, broadcasting, hospitals and service industry. (