Nicolosa de Isenfir


15 January A.S. LVI (56) 2022

Calligraphy & Illumination

Kolfinna ValravnRoxbury MillAtlantia


Lord Ishmael Stedfast ReedRoxbury MillAtlantia
Eckehard Rex atque Jane Regina, primum sic nominati inter principes regni, domini finium Atlantiae decori altorumque, omnibus ad quos hae litterae pervenerint, salutem dicunt.
Iuste governaunce requyres proper time, proportyoun, and co-ordinatyoun: a time to moue and a time to bee stil – strong are those Prouydences whiche keepe Tempo. At alle times Our many agents and assignes must be well-ordered in theyr combined executyoun of Our Wille, no mater theyr distaunce from Ourselves, as Our fingers together holde the Septer as one body. Both Reward and Punyshmente must be in due proportyoun to the Subiect, who To-daye iss deservyng of grate Renown equal their Achievement. These Three Virtues of Grace, Science, and Motion combine in the noble Art of Daunce, whose Steps myror the perfect Motion of the Spheres, and wythe wich Our subiect Nicolosa d’Isenfir has studioussely prepared the nobilytie of Atlantia for their Responsibylyties to the Realme. Know ye that by our especial grace, certaine science, & mere motion, we have giuen and graunted Nicolosa d’Isenfir libertie & license to instruct, at all times and for eer hereafter, all persones in the arte and syence of Daunce, and granted such priviledges, franchises and pre-emynences, thereto ore thereaboutes whatsoeuer We by oure Letters Patent may graunt, which shall be signalled to alle by her wearing of the Laurel Wreath. 
From this fifteenth Day of January, 2022, Anno Societatis LVI.
I, Triton Principal Herault, do attest that Nicolosa does have sole rights to beare these Armes: a dance verte between two butterflies azure.


Kuretake gold mica inkWinsor & Newton gold inkWinsor & Newton brown inkWinsor & Newton GouacheNoodler's Black ink

Substrate Size

14" x 11"


From the source (ductus below)


Title: Charter for the Queen Elizabeth Grammar School in Ashbourne (first page)Creator: workshop of Nicholas HilliardDate Created: 1585Location: Ashbourne, Derbyshire, EnglandLocation Created: London, EnglandProvenance: Queen Elizabeth Grammar School, Ashbourne, Derbyshire (D3397) 

