

Solomon Gebreyohans Gebru, Annie Hondeghem, Kurt De Wit (2024) Higher Education System Governance Trend in Ethiopia: Towards A Hybrid Model, Higher Education, accepted October 2024, DOI 10.1007/s10734-024-01331-w

Kurt De Wit (2024) Kansen en risico’s van digitalisering. Boekbespreking Kaplan, A. (ed.) (2022). Digital Transformation and Disruption of Higher Education, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 31 (4).

Solomon Gebreyohans Gebru, Jef C. Verhoeven & Kurt De Wit (2024) A Solution or a Problem? The Bologna Process in West Africa: Views from Local Scholars, International Journal of African Higher Education, 10 (3), 43–72, DOI 10.6017/ijahe.v10i3.17957

Kurt De Wit (2024) Laagdrempelige cursus diversiteit. Boekbespreking S. Denktaş, G. de Bruin, J. van den Ring-Bax (red.): Van woorden naar daden. Een gids voor een inclusieve organisatie, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 31 (3), 48-49.


Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2023) The effect of societal megatrends on higher education. Paper for the 45th EAIR Forum (Linz), 3-6 September 2023.

Kurt De Wit (2023) De beperkingen van rankings. Boekbespreking Z. Bleemer e.a., Metrics That Matter. Counting What’s Really Important to College Students, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 30 (4), 54-55.

Kurt De Wit (2023) Meerwaarde van data. Boekbespreking J.S. Gagliardi , How Colleges Use Data, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 30 (3), 79-80.

Kurt De Wit (2023) Drempels neerhalen. Boekbespreking K.Z. Sproles, Nine Guiding Principles for Women in Higher Education, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 30 (2), 60-61.


Kurt De Wit (2022) Bewust design. Boekbespreking J. Gabrill e.a., Design for Change in Higher Education, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 29 (3), 63-64.

Bruno Broucker & Kurt De Wit (2022) The transformative power of societal megatrends on higher education’s future: globalisation, ageing and digitalisation. Paper for the 44th EAIR Forum (Malta), 4-7 September 2022.

Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2022) Institutional Strategic Treatment of Internationalisation in Flanders, pp. 175-194 in: Leon Cremonini, John Taylor & K.M. Joshi (eds.) Reconfiguring National, Institutional and Human Strategies for the 21st Century. Converging Internationalizations. Springer.

Jef C. Verhoeven & Kurt De Wit (2022) How did Australian scholars perceive the Bologna Process?, Higher Education Research & Development, 41 (1), 132-145, DOI 10.1080/07294360.2020.1835837.


Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2021) Institutional strategic treatment of internationalization. Paper for the 43rd EAIR Forum (Berlin), 9-11 September 2021.

Bruno Broucker, Jani Ursin, Martina Del Molin, Kurt De Wit (2021) To achieve the same as the others? Policy preconditions for successful higher education governance, International Journal of Public Administration, published online 22 June 2021, DOI 10.1080/01900692.2021.1942045.

Bruno Broucker & Kurt De Wit (2021) Sustaining the European Higher Education Area: Unravelling the Internal and External Views on Unifying an International Region, pp. 8-23 in: Bruno Broucker, Rosalind Pritchard, Göran Melin & Clare Milsom (eds.) Sustaining the Future of Higher Education. Brill.

Kurt De Wit (2021) Het rad van ongelijkheid. Boekbespreking Orhan Agirdag: Onderwijs in een gekleurde samenleving, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 28 (2), 81-82.

Kurt De Wit (2021) De inclusiviteit blijft achter. Boekbespreking M. Slowey e.a. (eds.): Inequality, Innovation and Reform in Higher Education. Challenges of Migration and Ageing Populations, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 28 (1), 66-67.


Kurt De Wit (2020) Relevant en actueel. Boekbespreking Laura W. Perna (ed.): Higher Education Handbook of Theory and Research (Volume 35), Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 27 (4), 101-102.

Kurt De Wit (2020) Kijken over elkaars muurtje. Boekbespreking C. Zhu & M. Zayim-Kurtay (eds.): University governance and academic leadership in the EU and China, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 27 (3), 101-102.

Jef C. Verhoeven & Kurt De Wit (2020) How did Australian scholars perceive the Bologna process?, Higher Education Research and Development, published online 26 October 2020, DOI 10.1080/07294360.2020.1835837.

Kurt De Wit & Tom Bekers (2020) A Difficult Balance: Policies on Gender Imbalances in the Higher Education Student Population in Flanders, in: Ch. Fontanini, K.M. Joshi & S. Paivandi (eds.) International Perspectives on Gender and Higher Education: Student Access and Success. Emerald Publishing.

Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2020) Twenty Years of Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison, pp. 99-105 in: S. Noorda, P. Scott & M. Vukasovic (eds.) Bologna Process Beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA. Bononia University Press.

Kurt De Wit (2020) Kijken over elkaars muurtje. Boekbespreking C. Zhu & M. Zayim-Kurtay (eds.): University governance and academic leadership in the EU and China, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 27 (3), 101-102.

Kurt De Wit & Juan Garbajosa (2020) Education Metrics, pp. 6-7 in: CESAER (2020) Next Generation Metrics. White Paper 10 June 2020. Brussels: CESAER, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3874801.

Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit & Jelle Mampaey (2020) Brand Communication of Higher Education Institutions: A Call for Multichannel Communication Analysis in Higher Education Branding Research, Higher Education Policy, online first 31 January 2020, DOI 10.1057/s41307-020-00178-x.

Jef C. Verhoeven, Dirk Heerwegh & Kurt De Wit (2020) Predicting ICT Skills and ICT Use of University Students, online first in: Tatnall, A. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Education and Information Technologies. Cham: Springer. Online first 26 October 2019, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-60013-0.


Kurt De Wit (2019) Uitdagende inhoud én vorm. Boekbespreking Maarten Simons at al.: Curating the European University. Exposition and Public Debate, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 26 (4), 84-85.

Kurt De Wit (2019) De dwingende kracht van vrijwillige afspraken. Boekbespreking Katja Brøgger: Governing through Standards: the Faceless Masters of Higher Education. The Bologna Process, the EU and the Open Method of Coordination, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 26 (3), 76-78.

Bruno Broucker & Kurt De Wit (2019) 20 years of Higher Education System Reform under the Bologna flag. A note by Bruno Broucker and Kurt De Wit, posted July 11, 2019 at

Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2019) New Public Management in het hoger onderwijs, Sociologie Magazine, 27 (3), 28-29.

Jelle Mampaey, Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2019) The delegitimation of student protest against market-oriented reforms in higher education: the role of mass media discourse, Studies in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/03075079.2019.1643304.

Jelle Mampaey, Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2019) Processes underlying student disempowerment: the role of mass media discourse. Paper for the 41st EAIR Forum (Leiden), 25-28 August 2019.

Bruno Broucker, Jelle Mampaey & Kurt De Wit (2019) The influence of space on Higher Education Institutions’ policy. A pilot study. Paper for the 41st EAIR Forum (Leiden), 25-28 August 2019.

Bruno Broucker & Kurt De Wit (2019) Higher Education System Reform. An international comparison after twenty years of Bologna. Policy symposium at the 41st EAIR Forum (Leiden), 25-28 August 2019.

Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2019) Higher Education System Reform. An international comparison after twenty years of Bologna. Paper for the Bologna Process Anniversary Conference (Bologna), 24-25 June 2019.

Kurt De Wit & Jef C. Verhoeven (2019) Merger of university colleges in Flanders (Belgium), pp. 57-77 in: Leon Cremonini, Saeed Paivandi & K.M. Joshi (eds.) Mergers in Higher Education. Practices and policies. New Delhi: Studera Press.

Kurt De Wit (2019) Twintig jaar Bolognaproces. Boekbespreking A. Curaj, R. Pricopie & L. Deca: European Higher Education Area. The impact of past and future policies, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 26 (1), 93-94.

Jef C. Verhoeven, Liudvika Leisyte, Kurt De Wit & Bruno Broucker (2019) An Introduction to the Study of Higher Education Policy Reforms, pp. 1-15 in: Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven & Liudvika Leisyte (eds.) Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna. Leiden / Boston: Brill Sense.

Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven & Bruno Broucker (2019) Higher Education System Reform in Flanders (Belgium), pp. 17-36 in: Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven & Liudvika Leisyte (eds.) Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna. Leiden / Boston: Brill Sense.

Bruno Broucker, Liudvika Leisyte, Kurt De Wit & Jef C. Verhoeven (2019) Understanding higher education system reform: Practices, patterns and pathways, pp. 221-238 in: Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven & Liudvika Leisyte (eds.) Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna. Leiden / Boston: Brill Sense.

Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit, Jef C. Verhoeven & Liudvika Leisyte (eds.) (2019) Higher Education System Reform. An International Comparison after Twenty Years of Bologna. Leiden / Boston: Brill Sense.


Kurt De Wit (2018) Big Data in het hoger onderwijs, Keynote speech at the DAIR seminar (Doorn, The Netherlands), 7 & 8 November 2018.

Kurt De Wit (2018) Streef naar collectieve verrijking. Boekbespreking Ronald Barnett: The Ecological University. A Feasible Utopia, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 25 (4), 91-92.

Bruno Broucker, Jeroen Huisman, Jef Verhoeven & Kurt De Wit (2018) The state of the art of higher education research on Flanders, pp. 225-241 in: Jeroen Huisman & Malcolm Tight (eds.) Theory and Method in Higher Education Research. Volume 4. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.

Jelle Mampaey, Bruno Broucker & Kurt De Wit (2018) Processes underlying deinstitutionalization in higher education: the case of Flanders, paper for the EAIR 40th Annual Forum (Budapest), 26-29 August 2018.

Kurt De Wit, Bruno Broucker & Jelle Mampaey (2018) The constructed role of Higher Education in society: An international comparative analysis, paper for the EAIR 40th Annual Forum (Budapest), 26-29 August 2018.

Kurt De Wit (2018) Provocatief én misleidend. Boekbespreking Bryan Caplan: The Case Against Education. Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money, Th&ma Hoger Onderwijs, 25 (2), 64-65.

Kurt De Wit (2018) World Class Universities in Flanders (Belgium), pp. 19-34 in: Marcelo Rabossi, K.M. Joshi & Saeed Paivandi (eds.) In pursuit of World Class Universities. A global experience. New Delhi: Studera Press.

Bruno Broucker, Kurt De Wit & Jef C. Verhoeven (2018) Higher Education for Public Value: taking the debate beyond New Public Management, Higher Education Research & Development, 37 (2), 227-240, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2017.1370441 (published online 5 September 2017).

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