Previous Conferences

KUMEC 2024 - Education and Care in Precarious Times

Keynote Speakers

KUMEC Key Note 2024 - to Roz.pdf
Evelyn Mensah Systemic Racism in HealthCare and Education.pdf
Sophie Medlin - KUMEC 2024.pdf


Kings Teaching clinical reasoning when you are busy 2024.pdf
Saania Bhatti KUMEC ND.pdf
SPIN Fellows - ARRSRRAI world cafe draft.pdf
Stage 3 - 2024-2025-GP Tutor and Teaching Practice Briefing-KUMEC-CONF.pdf
Jocelyn Blumberg-Kings College TIP - Creating safety for survivors and providers.pdf

Student and Tutor Presentations

Mydhili - Clinical Humanities in the GP curriculum.pdf
Aman Hoonjan - IBSc Research Project Presentation.pdf
A Mermaid’s Tale.pdf
Mili Shetty - SSC final artwork presentation.pdf
KUMEC Conference Presentation.pdf


'ED' Talks

ADHD - KUMEC 07052023.pdf
Slides - Devina Maru.pdf
Agata Dunsmore.pdf


AI Workshop June 2023.pdf
Medical Education Careers workshop (1).pdf
FINAL Creative writing for wellbeing & personal development in Healthcare Education KUMEC conference 7th June 2023.pdf
Yvonne and Sahil - KUMEC0706YBWSM.pdf
Strategic Mapping Intro for KCL website .mp4

Student Speakers

Future Frontline KUMEC conference slides.pdf
Muhammad Bojang ACMS KUMEC pres final.pdf
Minato - KUMEC QIP Presentation (1).pdf
Betty Coupland - Leadership in medical school .pdf

KUMEC 2022 - The Patient Voice

'ED Talks

Disability presentation 2 kumec.ppt
Integrating patient and public involvement into 'remote' primary care teaching delivery_UCL team_workshop.pptx
Flourishing KCL.pptx
KUMEC conference SWalker.pptx


Patient to Practitioner disabled medical students.pptx
KUMEC - The Wait For Trans Healthcare.pptx
Positionality Patients and Power.pptx

Closing Talk and Student Perspectives

KUMEC Keynote.pptx
KUMEC slides AS & SB.pptx
Pres Conference Ansa.pptx
BSL Experiences.pptx

KUMEC 2022 - Pandemic Identity Shifts

Climate Health: Good for You, Good for the Planet

Dr Tamsin Ellis (she/her) is a First5 salaried GP in Islington, Chair of Greener Practice London and an Associate at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare where she facilitates the primary care sustainability workshop. She is also the North Central London ICS lead for Environmental Sustainability in Primary Care.

Dr Ellis will be walking us through how environmentally aware healthcare benefits all of us, and then hosting the workshop Sustainable Healthcare: Why Does it Matter and How Do I Start?

Digital Hyperconnectivity; 'Technology and our Mental Health'

Dr Romayne Gadelrab (she/her) is a Consultant Psychiatrist, and Clinical Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, Kings College London. She sits as the co-chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Digital Special Interest Group and is interested in the effects of technology on our mental health. Following her Maudsley psychiatry training, she studied Innovation at the Elisava School of Design, Barcelona and is keen to see the integration of new technologies in mental health. She also works as an honorary Doctor at the National Centre for Gaming Disorders.

Mindful Living: The Science & The Practice

Dr Afrosa Ahmed (she/her) graduated as a medical doctor from Kings’ College London in 2000. She subsequently became a General Practitioner in 2005, practising in the NHS and private sector. Her interest in mental health led her to become a Mindfulness Coach, graduating from the UK College of Mindfulness Meditation. She is an accredited teacher on the Mindfulness Teachers Register and established the Mindfulness Wellbeing Programme at Med24 in Paddington, London. She delivers wellbeing talks in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace.


Mindfulness, A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World by Mark Williams and Danny Penman 

Full Catastrophe Living by Jon Kabat Zinn  

Mindfulness for Health, A Practical Guide to relieving pain, reducing stress and restoring wellbeing by Vidyamala Burch and Danny Penman 

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness meditation for everyday life by Jon Kabat Zinn 

A Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness by Mark Williams and John Teasdale 

Long Covid: A Reluctant Pioneer

Dr Ashish Chaudhry (he/him) is a GP partner and trainer in Salford, as well as an undergraduate clinical lecturer at the University of Manchester. He developed an interest in Long Covid, after acquiring Covid in the first wave of the pandemic in April 2020. 

Since then he recognised the need for research and teaching to help both patients and doctors understand and manage lingering symptoms of what was later referred to as Long Covid. He co-authored Top Tips: Managing long covid in Guidelines in Practice February 2021 and recently presented at Guidelines Live.

In this talk, Ashish will draw on personal experience of being a medical patient, and highlight some of the perceptions that patients with Long Covid face. He will reflect on some of the barriers patients face when consulting with clinicians, and how this has impacted on his own practice as a GP.

KUMEC 2021 - Build Back Better

Building Back - a 'how to' - KUMEC
KUMEC- UCLMS Race Equality in the Curriculum (1)
Online teaching resource pack
Kings Education Conference 2021.pdf