Here are some events I have participated in during my career as a mathematician.

Events I've Presented At

Poster Sessions

Invited & Contributed Talks

Workshops I've Participated In

Workshop on Matroids and Tropical Combinatorics (January 2023; website

UMN Teaching With Writing Workshop (October 2022; website)

Topological Methods for the Discrete Mathematician (July 2022 - August 2022; website)

2nd Workshop on Topological Methods in Data Analysis (October 2021; website)

Summer School 2021 on Random Structures in Optimizations and Related Applications (June 2021; website)

Arizona Winter Semester 2021 in Number Theory (January 2021 - April 2021; website)

Other Events I've Spectated

SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry (July 2023; website

CA+ 2023 (April 2023; website

Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference (GSCC) (March 2023; website

Matroids Day 2022 (November 2022; website

Combinatorial, Commutative, and Applied Algebraic Geometry ("CCAAGS-22") (June 2022; website)

Open Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics (May 2022; website)

CA+ 2021 (October 2021; website)

Algebraic Geometry and Polyhedra (April 2021; website)

(Polytop)ics: Recent Advances on Polytopes (April 2021; website)