Research/ Data that Informs Our Work

 "Compared to the student population, Hispanic teachers are the most underrepresented in the workforce. There are six times as many Hispanic students as teachers"

 (2021 Georgia K-12 Teacher and Leader Workforce Report, Governor's Office of Student Achievement, p. 9)

Georgia Teacher and Student Demographics

Source: 2021 Georgia K-12 Teacher and Leader Workforce Report, Governor's Office of Student Achievement 

There is a growing body of research that indicates that students benefit from having teachers who share their diverse backgrounds and upbringing (Figlio, 2017). Students benefit from having teachers that reflect their cultural, racial, and linguistic backgrounds. Just like national trends, Georgia also has a concerning demographic mismatch. The 2021 Georgia K-12 Teacher and Leader Workforce Report (Flamini & Steed, 2022) explores teacher trends in Georgia. During the 2020-2021 school year, Latino children accounted for 15.6% of the student population. Latino teachers account for only 2.6% of the teacher population. This report notes the stark difference by noting that "Compared to the student population, Hispanic teachers are the most underrepresented in the workforce. There are six times as many Hispanic students as teachers. (Flamini & Steed, 2022, p. 19). 
