Social Media
Receive practical information and solutions to the issues and challenges you face every day in KSCA’s newsletter published 5 times per year in August, October, December, February & April and delivered electronically to our current members. Non-members can purchase annual subscriptions in the KSCA store.
Share your intellectual capital!
KSCA seeks to recognize our most knowledgeable and dynamic educational-based speakers by providing a database of public lecturers for various conferences. This is a great opportunity to make new connections and showcase your knowledge! The database assists conference planners in creating memorable education and enrichment opportunities for their attendees. If you have skills that you'd love to share with groups of varying sizes, complete this form for consideration of inclusion in the database.
The Kansas School Counselor Association invites you to consider joining a KSCA committee. As a committee member, you will participate in conference calls and/or scheduled meetings with the committee chair and assist with its outlined tasks and responsibilities. A list of our standing and special committees is posted on our leadership page.
We also seek school counselors and school counselor educators who are interested in our elected board positions. Voting takes place during our March membership meetings.
Please express your interest for committees or elected positions through our leadership development form.
The American School Counselor Association has published 36 position statements covering school counseling related topics such as character education, group counseling, students with disabilities, trauma informed practice, LGBTQ students, Crisis Response, and Student mental health. You can follow the link to the right for specific position statements or download them all in one pdf here.
For several decades, Career and Technical Education (CTE) has been evolving. No longer offering only traditional vocational education, CTE now offers a diverse range of subjects and career fields, including a number of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. In addition, the distinction between CTE and academic programs is slowly disintegrating as integrating academic content into CTE has become a national education priority. CTE has become an indispensable lever for improving students’ college and career readiness. CTE plays a powerful role in preventing students from dropping out and provides a variety of opportunities for postsecondary success and employment, including pathways to a bachelor’s degree. CTE also can help all students achieve the objectives of the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) through authentic, applied learning experiences. In short, CTE is a crucial change agent for the success of improving outcomes for all students.
School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs should be an integral part of students' daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement.
The question has been posed, "What do school counselors do?" The more important question is, "How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?" To help answer this question, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) created the ASCA National Model, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program.
Professional Development
The importance of professional development can't be overemphasized, especially in a field as dynamic as education. Only by continually enhancing your professional knowledge-base and research-based best practice interventions can you hope to stay effective in your career.
KSCA is currently expanding on professional development opportunities, from conferences to scheduled webinars, from online discussion forums to one-day workshops. These professional development events provide an opportunity to network with your peers, learn more about your chosen profession and, in many cases, earn micro-credentials or CEUs.
Relationships, Relevance, Responsive Culture, Rigor, and Results...think of all the ways your school counseling program supports each of the 5 R's.
A SUCCESSFUL KANSAS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, employability skills, and civic engagement to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification, or in the workforce without the need for remediation.”
Adopted by the Kansas State Board of Education, January 2016
Resources shared during March 8, 2018 Administrative Roundtable
ASCA 2016 Ethical Standards ASCA 2016 Ethical Standards