Sisters of the Krokopeplos

This website, and the Sisterhood, are still very much UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This is a communal order; if you would like to help us construct it, please email for an invitation to join the conversation!

For now, black underlined text, like this, means that there will eventually be a link with more details/info, but I haven't written it yet. Purple underlined links, OTOH, already exist. I encourage you to explore them.

Your feedback, positive and negative, but ideally specific, is EXTREMELY helpful. Because the sisterhood is still in its infancy, you can still help shape it to your own needs. Please email

Imagine the moon shining through clouds; a glowing amber aura pushing into the darkness. By day, clouds obscure sunlight, but by night, their myriad prismatic droplets throw moonlight further into darkness than a cloudless sky. That robe of glowing golden clouds is the sacred Krokopeplos, the Liminal space between Darkness and Illumination, which less poetic folk call the "zone of proximal development", but which we prefer to call "Liminality, Liberation, and Learning".

Sisters of the Krokopeplos is a monastic community in service to the Goddess of the Krokopeplos. Sisters freely and joyfully swear to serve as teachers, oracles, and spiritual companions for those who seek Liminality, Liberation, and Learning; the Goddess of the Krokopeplos, in any of her infinite forms.

  • The Goddess of the Krokopeplos is an (mostly) unembodied divinity that rewards human worship with blessing.

  • The Goddess of the Krokopeplos is as old as thought, and as immediate as breath.

  • She has infinitely many names and forms.

    • She is a goddess of Liminality, who keeps the gates of initiation, and so many call her Propylaea, She Who Stands Before the Gates.

    • She is a goddess of Liberation, who helps us choose the right path, and so many call her Trioditus, She of the Forked Path.

    • She is a goddess of Learning, who guides us from ignorance to understanding, and so many call her Daeira, She Who Knows.

  • She is Moon and Magic, and Mist-cloaked Whisper.

  • She is Queen of Witches, and Fairies, and Sorceress Sibyls.

  • She has been called Hekate, Selene, Phoebe, Luna, Artemis, Aradia, Diana, and Oona.

  • She IS the mist of Liminality, the space between What Is and What Can Be.

  • She IS the burden of Liberation, the freedom to choose that turns possibility into purpose.

  • She IS the glow of Learning, reflected by myriad droplets, into the vast darkness.

What does the Goddess of the Krokopeplos want from us?

  • To join with her in silent communion, fully present in her, seeking meaning and wisdom.

  • To teach what we have learned, freely sharing what wisdom has been given to us.

  • To come together in spiritual companionship, supporting each other in our individual learning and growth.

What does the Goddess of the Krokopeplos offer in return?

  • Insight into the true nature of ourselves, our world, and the connections between them.

  • The wisdom to find and shape meaning in our lives, and to share that meaning with others.

  • A community of spiritual companions to support our learning and growth.

The krokopeplos is a distinctive garment worn by Sarabaite & Sworn Sisters of the Krokopeplos. Like the habit of a nun or the robes of a Buddhist monk, the krokopeplos is a holy uniform. It is the outward sign of a sacred calling.

  • The Krokopeplos consists of a long, loose saffron-colored dress, with a red belt

    • OR a loose saffron-colored tunic over red pants, with a red belt.

    • Sworn Sisters, but not Sarabaites, wear a large iron key upon their belt.

    • Additionally Sisters, when in communion, wear a saffron or red (or both) headcovering.

  • Every sister may modify this general instruction to her own needs.

  • Coming Soon: Patterns & instructions to make your own krokopeplos & veil.

  • Coming Soon: Links to buy krokopeploi & veils from Sisters of the Krokopeplos.

While wearing the krokopeplos, Sisters are in service to the Goddess of the Krokopeplos, and are expected to provide:

  • Spiritual Companionship

  • Good Teaching

  • Wise Counsel

    • When veiled, Sisters of the Krokopeplos are required to serve (on request) as an oracle of the Krokopeplos, answering questions in the name of Python Drakaina.

Who should wear the Krokopeplos? When should I wear my Krokopeplos?

  • Anyone may wear whatever they want whenever they want. The Sisters of the Krokopeplos are not the fashion police.

  • Friends of the Krokopeplos are encouraged to wear saffron during communion, but are discouraged from wearing the full krokopeplos, so that others do not mistake them as Sisters, and make demands on them they are not prepared to fulfil.

  • Sisters of the Krokopeplos are encouraged to wear the krokopeplos (with or without the veil) when teaching, speaking, witching, or communing with the Goddess of the Krokopeplos.

  • Sisters of the Krokopeplos are, when veiled, required to answer questions respectfully asked in the name of Python Drakaina.