
This experience was more than I ever could have dreamed of. International Student Teaching was taking a big step out of my comfort zone and I something I never thought of. Throughout college, I have grown in so many ways other than academically. International Student Teaching has also grown me in many ways as well. 

I could go on and on about this experience but here are three ways that I have been impacted. First, I was able to overcome cultural and language barriers. I was placed in a host home and school where Spanish was their primary language. This came with many challenges. In the school, I was able to prove that I could teach students who knew very little English. I had to become more aware of the vocabulary and body language I was using. Second, I have learned so many unique things about European living and their school systems. There are many things from this that I will take back with me to the United States. So many different teaching styles and fun things to incorporate into my classroom. Third, getting to explore this beautiful country and learning about so much history is one of the biggest impacts. I was able to travel to other places other than Barcelona. From these trips, I was able to gain so much knowledge that the history books can't provide. 

To conclude, this study abroad experience has been nothing short of amazing. I have loved my host family and they have treated me like their own. The school was so welcoming and able to help us in so many ways. I was placed with the most amazing mentor teacher who cared for me deeply. I got to have this experience with my best friend and create memories that will last a lifetime.