Highlights of the Trip!

Before heading to Spain, Jenna Sower and I went on a short trip to Italy! We landed in Venice, Italy first. We did one full day of sightseeing and got to go on a Gondola Ride.  The next morning we woke up and took a train to Florence, Italy. This day it rained all morning, but we still walked around and saw the amazing views. My favorite part of the day in Florence was the yummy gelato that we had. On our last day in Italy, we took a train to Rome. This was my favorite day, but also a long day. We have a lot to see in one day,  and a lot of walking to do. Since, we only had one day we didn't have time to schedule a tour of any places, but we got to see a lot of history. Seeing the Colosseum has been marked off my bucket list!

We took a weekend trip to Paris, France! This city is absolutely incredible, I loved every minute and was so sad to leave. Paris has so many different sides to it. There were times that it felt touristy, but there were times were we found parts where people were living their everyday lives. My favorite part was seeing the Eiffel Tower. The food in France was also amazing! 

We got to visit the La Sagrada Familia. This is the biggest tourist attraction that Spain has. It was being built by a man named Gaudi, however during the time that he was building it, he passed away. He died in 1926. Now, they are continuing to rebuild this catherdal, with hopes that it is complete by 2026. 100 years after Gaudi died. 

Another weekend trip to Lisbon, Portugal. This city is so unqiue and is truly a piece of art. We had so much fun walking through the streets, even if there was a lot of hills. We got to see some amazing views. Something cool about Lisbon, is that a lot of the building have tiles for their exterior walls. 

Sant Jordi's Day. This was such a fun day during school and after school. During school, we got to see a lot of students and teachers dressed up as knights, princesses, and dragons. We did a lot of fun activites and I learned a lot about the culture of Barcelona. After school, my host family took Jenna and I to see all the streets decorated for the holiday. 

Exploring Barcelona!! Barcelona is a beautiful city and has so many things to do.  After school and on weekends, we would go see all that Barcelona has to offer. In the city, there is a famous arthetic named Gaudi. He made a lot of awesome places in Barcleona. Two of the places that we visited of his were Parc Guell and Casa Vicens. These places were so much fun to walk around. Also, they have the prettiest streets to go on walks and shop. 

The school was so amazing! I learned so much through being at the school and having a great mentor teacher. There are so many differences in the school than what I was used to. Being placed at a school where english is not their primary language, it opened up my eyes to how difficult it can be to communicate with people. I now have an understanding of how ESL students feel.