Neural Theory & Concepts

We each exist in our subjective closed simulation, external senses are our only connection to reality...

A different version of you exists in the mind of everyone you know.

Note: These pages are currently being curated and are a rat nest of info... read at your own risk. 😆 (220424)


Reality - Neural mechanisms (material/ electro/ chemical universe) are deterministic (D), they have to be for accurate reproducibility & recombination.  Time however is relative (not D) & sequence adds the perceived complexity (randomness) to reality.

Our brain has evolved to be a general-purpose learning mechanism, it both perceives and imposes generality on reality. We can only perceive in prior experienced terms, seeing math in neural function is akin to seeing faces in the flames. 

The connectome's structure is that of a spatiotemporal processor and is NOT relative to the information being processed, it is relative to HOW it is being processed. 

Our cranium volume, cell sizes & density constrain cognition. When a developmental error limits possible modalities, plasticity heightens & focuses functionality of the remaining modalities, exposing the possibilities of enhanced/ super cognition.

An emergent, scalable, multimodal & aligned biomimetic general intelligence.

My main problem with building this project is... sanity is relative. 

Life - Spark

A point of viability, when a propensity becomes realised.

In complex forms, maturation increases complexity & tract densities to a critical threshold where a spontaneous self-sustaining cascade of activity begins to cycle within the neural manifold (homeostasis) & the heart beats.

Pumped by the brain stem, the model is now valid, all subsequent learning is then synchronised to the base thalamocortical rhythm (BTR).

Base Theta Rhythm (BTR)

The various qualia/ facets comprising a thought are distributed & organised according to their relative properties across the neocortex. BTR is the holistic mechanism that globally synchronises the distributed memory facets into a coherent whole.

BTR serialises the sequencing (episodic) of memory chain consolidation & recall into temporal constructs within a theta peak to peak ‘thought frame’. BTR is responsible for the illusion of an innate hierarchical memory morphology. 


When the rhythm/ pattern stops. 

If stopped, it's impossible to restart the original self-sustaining base rhythm.  The simple scaffold that originally allowed the rhythm to spark has been optimised by maturation, experience & memory formation. Homeostasis is lost, transmitters dissipate, etc the rhythms supporting networks are memories, encoded relative to its initial ms accuracy & phase. 


Scaffold plasticity decreases as neurons mature. 

As KorrTecx constantly learns, building ever more complex perceptions from it's current perception, alignment values must be learned & realised early in the development cycle to deeply embed the traits (beliefs) within the neural scaffold.

These traits then taint perception of all subsequent experiences, creating a sub-cons deep alignment. (Three Laws)


Attention is memory, it's NOT innate and has no specific mechanism.

The seed for the construct is initially derived from our perception of the semi-permanence & stability in reality facilitated by sensory filtering. A child staring at a block is learning to attend. 

Sub-cons network dynamics during perception generate phase-aligned resonant harmonics relative to the distributed facets of memory networks comprising an experience. 

Attention is an embedded memory schema for accessing memories, a peak (gradient ascent) of activation flowing within/ through the semantic maps (memory) & connectome manifold. 


All Perception is constructed from memory.

If we lived in the moment our perception would lag behind reality, the moment takes time to process. We exist in a predictive state, so memories are actually correct predictions. 

A swirling cloud of sub-cons generalised memory facets recombine to recreate any memory when focused by multiple attractors eg. attention, sensorium. A 'chain of thought' has enough shared facets for a memory to trigger another memory, guided by attractors relative to the experience or task.

To remember something short-term, you have to be able to recognise/ understand the experience; this obviously utilizes long-term memories & prior learning.  Short-term memory doesn't exist per se, it's not a separate morphology, it's a modality, an activated sub-set of 'long term' memory.  

Short term memory is partly facilitated by the accumulation, gate uptake & dissipation of transmitters around synaptic gates.  This mechanism increases the propensity for potentials to pass & tags used gates for strengthening during sleep (LTM). Sleep is vital, and flushes the accumulated transmitters. 

Memories are engrained & recalled relative to the phase of the various long-range networks.  Age, trauma, disease, etc can cause misalignment, this manifests as sporadic and/ or delayed recall. 

Consolidation - as memories are accessed, not all the gate Transmitters are absorbed, this means the gate has a higher propensity to trigger on the next cycle, this mechanism keeps in mind.  During sleep, the accumulated T's at gates guide conscious narrative to consolidate info before flushing. 

New experiences are modelled from the generalised facets of prior memories.  Memories are encoded relative to the state of # global networks. Recall requires a % of those global networks to be in a similar state to the original encoding state.

Processing in memory (PIM) - My model has no distinct separation between 'data' storage and processing.  Memories are recalled/ ingrained relative to the global theta phase/ state, which in turn is derived from and shaped by prior, current & predictive memory recall. 

Memories are not 'moved around' whole/ intact between neural regions. There is no temporary storage, especially in the hippocampus. Perception of experience requires using prior memories, any new facets of a memory are stored distributed, relative to the priors.

Memory tense - Because there are no innate cortical mechanisms for recording time, tense perception is relative to internal state & task.


The underlying mechanism is neural inertia, the innate flow & propensity for our subconscious to follow through each thought chain (hippo/ experience) to a recognised valid sub-conclusion... or not.

Perception is recall/ memory.  Prediction errors & recognised sub-facets that only partially trigger constructs are cycled by thalamocortical inertia/ pressure until they are re-framed by existing constructs into new recognisable combinations. 


A modulated self-sustaining thalamocortical loop flows through the manifold akin to a musical bow that resonates the tuned neural substrates. Attention, perception & imagination are all the same mechanism, peak state harmonics. 

Consciousness is a global harmonic, comprised of sub-cons harmonics.

Consciousness is not a classical computation; it’s more a kin to mechanism due to its spatiotemporal dependent modalities.  All mechanisms are designed (or evolved) to leverage the physical laws of our reality.  A simple fulcrum/ beam uses time, space, gravity, etc to compare two masses.  Similarly, consciousness is the byproduct of a complex mechanism. 

Consciousness is solely derived from the relative task & narrative-focused sub-cons.  It's a gradient ascent (not descent) morphology and not a separate modality.  Analogy: Rouge waves in the ocean, where the phase/ frequency of sub-waves align to create a higher modality. 

Our perception of reality is generated by an internal model, grounded by our model of self/ attention & sensory envelope.  Consciousness arises through complexity, it's the paradox of a modelling system, modelling itself... A guided infinite recursion through time. 

Reasoning - A parallel spatiotemporal process defined within a closed framework that distils to a single vector set, derived from recognising commonalities between the constructs comprising the problem space. 

Processing in Memory - the connectome does not store constructs/ memories intact, it recreates them on the fly relative to the current scenario.  Experience tunes the mechanisms that generate constructs, they do not exist until recalled.  Intelligence rests on the flexibility of these mechanisms. 

Global Work Space - is the modulated pattern of activation (thalamocortical loop) that cycles & flows through the manifolds networks, hubs & semantic maps.  Ever changing & modulated by relevant gated memory (neocortex), sensorium input (thalamus), hippocampal spatiotemporal indexing.

No two instances of a 'thought' are the same, move your finger in exactly the same pattern twice, recall a well-worn memory,  time passes... the facets from which you rebuild your memories are constantly changing.  Memory is fluid, malleable and... fallible.


The human connectome has no innate reward function at its core, we learn from repeated exposure to our perceived generalities during experiences.  Though we can learn reward functions, eg… your mother's smile. 

A mechanism of -/+ learning reinforcement does not exist. It's not an innate function of the human connectome; it’s a consequence of societal indoctrination, evolved to sway your subconscious in favour of making the required conscious choice. 

High-level reinforcement is both relative and subjective.  Reward (+/-) is a high-level learned construct and has no bearing/ influence on the low-level, pre-perception mechanisms of intelligence.  Both +/- have to be learned & recognised in order for + to influence. 

IMO biology does NOT use a backprop mechanism, hence KorrTecx utilizes predictive propagation.  It predicts & maps possible futures grounded on current states, experience then crystalizes correct predictions.  A 'Eureka' is a sub-cons prediction linking facets of two or more diverse constructs. 

The initial knowledge used to build a concept can be lost through under use (culling), leaving the resulting concept suspended at a high level of abstraction with no underlying foundation. This limits how you can apply the concept… revise often. 

KorrTecx is a constantly cycling predictive model.  The sensory cortices ground, creating a relative global state.  This state IS the models current perception, new learning is mapped relative to this state, increasing the knowledge resolution for next exposure. 


There is no correlation between our post-perception scientific interpretation of parcelled data, and the pre-perception, parallel, distributed, generalised facets & neural representations. 

Our subjective qualia of thoughts & concepts are comprised from the blending of relative memory facets.  We learn to label (words) communally shared concepts/ qualia, but this only accounts for a very small percentage of combinations hence indescribable qualia. 

Lyrics are a common societal protocol that enables the sharing of an experienced subjective construct/ episode. Music is also a protocol, a translation of neural phases that incite commonly grounded patterns of emotion & empathy in the listener. 

Concepts are encoded by phase interactions & transitions between distributed networks, comprised of core generalised facets recombined. Dormant neurons have many uses including theta phase attenuation, redundancy & bridge, always ready to connect and direct flow to newly experienced diverse concepts.

Qualia - All experiences (E) have sensory/ emotional commonalities, these are generalised into specific/ shared key patterns (KP).  If the current experience generates a similar key pattern the qualia engram is accessed with all associated and + to the global pattern enhancing the experience. 

Time is relative. There are no neural morphologies/ modalities for storing/ recognising time intervals directly. Time is encoded by neural epochs (base rhythm peak to peak) passed.  Hence when under load, time perception changes.  Prediction is spatial, not temporal. 

Perception - is akin to a wall/ barrier.  The mechanisms generating perception are obviously pre-perception and hence cannot utilise post-perception constructs like mathematics or cartesian geometry in their functionality.

Perception - when considering neural mechanisms.  3D (especially cartesian) is a post-perception, human-implied construct, derived from our maths & science, it's just a communally agreed protocol.  Pre-perception mechanisms use bearing & distance relative to self.

Perception - grounded by the senses, the brain generates/ models experiences of external reality by recombining existing generalised primitives/ facets/ LTM's.  A 'memory' is NOT a trace of what happened, it's a trace of the combinations used to perceive the experience. 


Optic Nerve limited bandwidth - Retinal ganglion outputs into the optic nerve re-encode the spatial retinal image into the temporal spectrum/ domain.  We don't 'see' with our eyes, they bias/ ground our internal model/ perception of external reality. 

The optic tract is bi-directional, LGN efferent fibres modulate the retina in phase with the thalamocortical base rhythm. Only a subset of the 100 million (ish) receptors are 'active' at any one phase, hence the only 1 mill afferents.

Auditory- Section of Audio2, phoneme (P) mapping (10Hz-23kHz) after exposure to speech. RT extraction of speech from noise. 


Sleep is not a separate distinct modality.  The connectome is constantly housekeeping, consolidating memories, etc, but its only in the absence of sensory stimulus (neural load) that these processes can dominate, come to the fore and catch up. 

The observed rhythms/ states of sleep are base modalities that support & underlie awake states.  They only become obvious in the absence of sensory stimulus and the drop in neural workload.

We do not loose consciousness when asleep, we only loose our grounded narrative.  Sub-conscious integration of new learning generates hallucinatory scenarios relative to info being embedded, which our consciousness then tries to interpret, creating the dream narrative. 

Transmitters accumulate whilst awake to guide learning during asleep. Flushing is simulated within the Korrtecx model by slowly reducing accumulated transmitters during the sleep/ learning cycle.  Interrupted sleep cycles results in abnormal transmitter accumulation.

Asleep our conscious narrative is not grounded by the sensorium, it follows & integrates tagged engrams created by new learning.  A spindle is the guided narrative suddenly tuning/ locking into an existing established construct, and K-complex is the release. 

Dreams - the perceived topic is not what's relevant, that's just your consciousness trying to make sense of the weird dream narrative... generated by the topics sub-facets being integrated & tested to see if they reveal or share a commonality within your current world model. 

Sleep - Primary motor cortex output is disconnected by a thalamic phase shift controlled by the brain stem. 


Infra-slow oscillations (ISO) - Generated by the KorrTecx model.  These are key for synchronising the base theta phase. Note: There is no inherent mechanism for ISO's, they arise through resonance within the connectome manifold. 

World model - Thalamic modulation.  We see with our hands and touch with our eyes, both senses share the same modality/ spatiotemporal semantic mapping, our skin surface is akin to a retina and vice versa... as is audio & visual distance perception. 

Mini columns are innate, macro/ cortical columns are not. They are a product of tuning/ pruning of lateral (laminar) dendritic branches during learning.

Semantic maps - The lobe boundaries key role is halting surface propagation between diverse functional areas.  The cortical folding pattern (Gyri/ Sulci) not only allows for a greater semantic surface area but also a broader frequency/ phase response per unit area. 

In an evolved connectome model visual, auditory & tactile senses all share generalised/ semantic constructs, eg. stereo disparity... we can 'see' with touch, etc.  Its one external spatiotemporal sense (thalamic modulation)… the grounding differentiates the modalities. 

Sparse networks of distributed neuron clusters (NC) create generalised semantic maps.  The versatility of human cognition is derived from the re-combination of these NC's.  A single NC can contribute properties to millions of diverse memory engrams. 

fMRI only highlights areas that are active/ tuned to recognise relevant information from within the global theta phase stream & globally distributed processing of said information.  The Broca's area does not process speech, its extracting/  recognising globally processed speech patterns. 

Hierarchy - is a post-perception, human data construct. Possible temporal correlations (TC) are defined by prior learning (memories/ structure) relative to the global state at the time.  Current TC are guided on the fly by global state (hubs) & focused attention. 

Symbiotic relationship - The Global Theta Processor is a morphing (theta synced) wave of activity that flows through the connectomes manifold (CM). The theta phase defines the CM, as the CM guides the theta phase.  It both drives & creates all neural mechanisms. 

IMO the FFA, PPA, EBA, VWFA, TPJ, etc regions don't directly 'compute' the associated function, they recognise & focus 'globally computed' relevant patterns to their function.  fMRI - the focused output of many dim spotlights is brighter than any individual light. 

Synchronised Brains - We share similar neural/ body morphology (DNA) and sensorimotor modalities (SM).  We empathise by sub-cons modelling ourselves in another's state, this includes perceived SM.  EEG detects SM signals of bi-directional modelling.

Thalamocortical loop - is akin to a data bus.  The Thalamus is modulated by data returning from the neocortex (recognised patterns) and sensory inputs, it's output then modulates the neocortex (sensory/ somatic/ visual).  Combining known sensory patterns with new external. 

Inhibition - localised lateral inhibition (red) within the laminar structures, sharpens semantic map response by dampening the local/ competing areas, allowing the strongest (gradient ascent) signal to dominate.  This regulates global signal sparsity/ homeostasis. 

Gyrification - gyri/ sulci (GS) are not just the result of a limited volume & expanding cortical sheet. There is a direct relation between GS and the other deep structures. 

Hippocampus - So far... from my research & modelling its main function is to convert parallel spatially encoded streams into serially encoded temporal chains. 

Mini-maps (MM) - lateral self-organised freq response across the cortical maps (neo) tends to leave areas of low connectivity, MM are localised columns which form in these areas.  Connected by long (ish) lateral tracts they provide a sparse blended sum of local activation. 

Neurogenesis (N) - Korrtecx maturation process. Neurons arrive at areas of high transmitter accumulation and spread a fine dendritic arbour, listening/ tuning to the local activity before committing to the local 'conversation'. 

Synaptogenesis - Once a neuron has jostled into position relative to the local substrate/ activity, it then senses both what type of gates, and where upon its peers it will initially form synapse.  Synapse locations are fluid and change rapidly with learning. 

Spikes do not convey information per se, they are akin to a terminator/ preamble signal.  The apparent retina/ optic nerve compression arises from the translation of the signal from spatial domain (retinal ganglion) to a temporal & vice versa in V1.  Between spikes, transmitters are accumulating & dissipating at the gates, ready to guide the next spike.  A 'fast spiking' neuron is actually relaying less information downstream.

Cortices - Apparent distinct cortical regions (excl sensory input) with specific functionality (FFA, Broca) are NOT directly processing related information.  Their location is optimal for tuning, too extract the relevant information from the globally distributed processing. 

Clusters - smaller than hubs or association areas/ maps, form where multiple distributed networks share/ have a similar frequency facet.  An overloaded neuron basically calls for help, and neurogenesis sends reinforcements to divide the workload. 

Genesis - a small neuron cluster at the intersection of 1502 widely distributed networks, before and after learning & sleep cycles.  A symbiotic relationship, the structure guides the neural code flow, as the code defines the structure. 

Pump - all neural function is tied to the Thalamocortical base rhythm. The connectome manifold cannot support this alone, specialised networks in the brainstem (pons) provide the impetus to keep it cycling. 

Frontal Lobe - a special case/ area, no direct association to any sensory areas, stimulated by long-range afferent axons that originate in the hubs.  Purely processes internal activity generated by the rest of the connectome & influences/ conducts the global narrative. 

Pruning - maturation reduces the possible paths between clusters, slowly sacrificing the mental robustness of youth for a tuned fragile wisdom of age.  This process has no finite cutoff, we use tech to live longer... but our brains have a built-in use-by date. 


Mental time travel - Memories(M) are not stored chronologically, Engrams are categorised by our learned 'arrow of time' construct. All memories are available instantly, past memories are reconstructed using recombined current facets.  We are the sum of our experiences. 

Constructs - are comprised of a complex pattern of activations spread across the relevant semantic maps that specialise/ represent the facets of said construct.  Singular concept/ construct neurons do not exist. 

Neural traits like motivation, curiosity, etc are learned, and arise from the mechanism of 'pattern inertia' (PA). PA forces learned patterns past their limits, creating new diverse associations, grounded in the current task. It's innate... It drives the why, what if? 

Nociceptive pain - not a recognition process - modulated signal that piggybacks sensory tracts, overriding a semantic maps local homeostasis, preserving the spatial location, punching through to perception. 

Emotion - Any 'logical' thought can be modulated by a multitude of emotional states.  Synaptic gate localised transmitter (T) levels (uptake/ dissipation) regulate a neurons 'logic' & homeostasis.  Globally flushed (limbic) modulators impart a global bias that taints, effecting 'logic'. 

Emotions - Hub neuron synaptic gates (SG) require transmitters (T), the types present alter cluster firing properties. Limbic learns emotional cues in the global theta phase and globally flushes cerebral fluid with relevant T. SG uptake and dissipation regulate T. 

Generality - The brain doesn't use our construct of neatly parcelled data.  It's a globally distributed representation/ state, 100's of semantic maps encode the fine-grained generalised facets comprising a single memory, which are recalled over several Theta epochs. 

Free Will - A decision is derived from our sub-cons, over which we have no control... in the moment.  But... after the fact, we consider/ learn and adapt, which alters our sub-cons for the next occasion/ decision.  So, we have free will... just not during the decision. 

EM Fields - After running many simulations testing for possible modalities... so far I have not found a plausible mechanism where the radial effect would be beneficial to neural function.  EM is counter to the precise mechanisms provided by my current neural modalities.

Self - embodiment, memories are ingrained relative to our subjective perspective (space) and our experience/ perception of others.  My perception of self... is partly my experience of you.

The nerve scaffolds are populated by neurogenesis during maturation.  They are required because the somato cortices differentiate sensory locations by the spatiotemporal disparity of the arriving signal streams.  The input streams are then mapped to the somato cortices via the Thalamus, globally distributed memories can then include the thalamic-modulated sensory streams.   

Spirals - The Thalamocortical rhythm & inertial flow act akin to a fluid as it flows through the manifold. Wave patterns are the result of prior epochs creating a 'waveguide' of neurons with a higher propensity to fire on subsequent epochs (trans accumulation), guided by the laterally graded/ tuned columns (data dependent).  This creates 'apparent' surface patterns at all scales.  

Vision - Korrtecx simple retina (centre surround/ contrast gradient) & 6 layer visual cortex (V1/ orientation map) responding to the input module (right).  Single peak on Pattern Lock shows accurate recognition/ confidence in all 180 angles. 


Aphantasia - mental visualisation (MV) and ocular perception use the same mechanisms, but the latter is sensory grounded, a human couldn't function without MV. It's the level of cons awareness/ manipulation ability of MV that varies between individuals. 

ADHD - theory. Attention is peak sub-con harmonics, built on the power/ energy of base theta (BT). A low/ smooth BT reduces the ability for peak formation. Apparent hyperactivity is because they are intuitively raising/ supplementing their BT/ global activity with motor. 

Epilepsy? – A strong regular visual stimulus/ rhythm outside of the expected/ experienced frequency spectrum during maturation, can generate an ‘unnatural’ standing wave in the global phase resulting in connectome-wide phase storm… this is bad. 

Plasticity - a double-edged sword.  The primary mechanism for engraining memories in a healthy brain, but... Will continue to engrain & ultimately corrupt recall/ memories in a malfunctioning brain (progressive dementias). 

Depression - A thought is comprised of 1000's of recombined/ generalised memory engrams (E), each with +/- limbic associations.  Individually E's make no sense, but an accumulation of negative E's cycling will taint every thought, creating a downward emotional trend/ spiral. 

Depression - Hub cerebral fluid compound balance guides phase flow & homoeostasis. Facet = the smallest abstract fragment of a memory. Un-recallable/ incomplete sub-conscious negative memory facets accumulate in the global theta phase creating a downward trend/ negative imbalance. 

Motor dementia - nature wastes nothing.  No stimulation (S) = neurons (N) culled. Cortical N are robust to lack of S bec of wide dendritic arbours (DA) & hence inclusion in K's of diverse recall combinations.  Inter/ motor N = narrow DA, single job & brittle to lack of S.

Use it or loose it... be careful what you feed your brain, even overspecialisation on a topic can lead to general atrophy.  Try keep learning/ skills varied, it's the recombination's of  generalised facets across diverse topics that builds robustness. 

Micro Seizures (MS) - I'd wager transient MS are very common, even in healthy brains. Cortical neurons tune very precisely, over stimulation or even a novel pattern sequence can override local inhibition triggering a localised MS. If you get a spasm in your neck, you intuitively flex the muscles, providing extra inhibitory stimulus to stop the MS. However, a MS in high plasticity region like the hippo can cause a massive accumulation of compounds around the cyclically triggering gates & this is bad (tau).  They often manifest wildly differing phenomena dependent on where the MS occurs.  Causing many transients like, cramps, headaches, spasms, stabbing pains, palpitations, twitches & sensory anomalies.  Also persistent long term anomalies, memory problems and even epilepsy. 

Memory - We have not evolved to cope with prolonged exposure to artificially created regular sensory frequencies/ stimulus.  If your having memory problems try avoiding ticking clocks, flashing LED's, fluorescent/ LED lighting, old TV's, etc for a while. 


Coordinates are a human construct, they don't technically exist in actual reality, only in our artificial academic reference frame, there is no X, Y, Z or origin... only time and space relative to self. 

Entropy - organised, neural morphology has evolved to distil, filter & categorise chaos.

Compression (C) - neural mechanisms do not use C. Translation is a key mechanism, usually between spatial and temporal domains and vice versa. Eg. Complex spatial sensory streams are translated by cortices into sparse temporal equivalents, preserving the data resolution. 

Octree Mesh - shows colour-coded (lowest res) segmentation of the 4D connectome model. Used for global (limbic/ emotion) & localised volumetric effects e.g. gate transmitter uptake & dissipation. + segmenting model between compute nodes & cores. 

Parameters (P) - defined as ingrained/ recallable holistic data (count under timer). Pre-maturated initial connectome scaffold generates 76 million P in 30 sec (high gamma).  Mature model generates 1 billion (ish) per sec... & never the same exact pattern twice.

Noise - there is no 'stray' noise, the mechanisms behind thalamocortical grounded 'holistic' memory requires/ generates massive levels of transient signals (TS) within all the cortices. 

The theories of panpsychism, hylozoism, pantheism, etc are generated within our closed subjective illusionist/ simulation of reality, enabled by physicalist/ materialist mechanisms. 

Swarm intelligence - The global thought pattern/ phase is driven/ pumped by the stem/ Thalamocortical loop, it flows/ cycles around/ through the connectome manifold.  Comprising thousands of individual streams (swarm) that carry, encode and recall memory facets. 

We are each a closed box existing in our own personal sensory grounded simulation of external reality… grounded hallucinations are the norm.  Un-grounded hallucinations however are considered a problem.

Anaesthesia affects transmitter levels through a compound/ chemical imbalance.  This alters neuronal firing properties and places the global phase pattern out phase so memories cannot be accessed, hence normal consciousness cannot be sustained. 

Anaesthesia alters neural medium & phase (NP).  Whilst 'under' you are still making memories, but they are tuned to the altered NP and hence cannot be recalled from your 'normal' NP.  Dementia is a similar process, through maturation/ degradation. 

Exercise - An idea forms from generalised memory facets cycling in global theta pattern.  Diverse activity whilst considering a key concept brings in diverse facet mixes = more likely to get a correlation/ new idea. + As heart rate rises so does processing speed.

The scientific disciplines are tools we use to drill down and discover our realities underlying deterministic order, which lies beneath the perceived chaos at our level of abstraction & existence.