About KorrTecx

The human brain is the most complex structure known to humankind.

This project is my attempt to put a dent into the mysteries of human neurology.

Driven by curiosity, an engineer's interpretation of neural function & mechanisms.

FAQ - A pre-emptive list of common questions & personal opinions. (Revised often)

Who are you?

I'm a UK-based, self-employed software engineer, building this project in my spare time.

How is it funded?

It is currently self-funded.

If you have any insights or suggestions regarding funding then send me an Email.

How long have you been working on the project?

I've been experimenting with AI for the past 30 years, including 20+ years on this project.

What are we, what are humans?

We are complex biochemical/ electrical machines. Our minds are a closed box, and we each exist in our own personal simulation/ version of reality, our only connection to reality is our external senses and a different version of you exists in the mind of everyone you know.

What is Artificial General Intelligence? (AGI)

The ‘generality’ refers to how the system stores and applies its intelligence/ knowledge.  Common narrow AI’s often achieve better than human performance within their specific domains, a general intelligence however will be capable of achieving moderate performance across all domains, with the propensity to exceed human performance.

Why do we need AGI’s?

I think there are many reasons why we need AGI’s.

The human race has done well so far with our limited mental architecture, intelligence, imagination and curiosity.  But I feel our innate destructive tendencies are outpacing our technological advancement.  Both we as a race and our planet would greatly benefit from machines that ‘think’ like we do, machines that are not influenced/ afflicted by our negative traits, but that can still apply the generality, imagination and curiosity that has proven so potent in our technological advancement… so far.

I also think it's important that there is no mystery regarding their 'thinking processes', they should be able to explain in easily/ commonly understood terms why they think so, and how they arrived at their conclusions.  To a layman the how could still be a mystery, but the why should be explain-ably obvious.

The AGIs are not magic bullets, given enough time the human intellect would still achieve similar results, the AGI’s will simply accelerate our advancement.

Do we have Free Will?

We have limited free will, but not limited in the way you would probably imagine.

Your possible decisions and actions are limited by your own intelligence/ knowledge; you can only make a selection from your own personal available choices and the scope of your free will changes hourly.  Though you have no control over your sub-conscious, your sub-conscious does make the initial decisions before you become consciously aware of them, but it’s still ‘your’ sub-conscious. After the fact, we consider/ learn and adapt, which alters our sub-cons for the next occasion/ decision.  So, we have free will... just not during the decision.

Why choose this approach?

Any level of complexity creates a natural wall behind it, where the previous level cannot be constructed from the same concepts as the current level; it’s impossible to build a machine/ schema using its own product, this is just a law of reality. 

Ergo, any human-devised constructs like language, mathematics, logic, graph theory, deep networks, etc cannot be used to create a true human-level AGI.  Trying to build an AGI using symbolism, spoken language or C++ code, for example, IMO is like trying to build a car from cars.

Language, set theory, graph theory, etc have no inherent intelligence, without the intelligence of the user they are totally useless, they are all a product of an intelligent system, not a solution/ insight into its functioning.

Will it have emotions/ emotional intelligence?

I feel emotions are a determining factor in what makes humans unstable/ unpredictable, and this would serve no purpose in an AGI.  The AGI does require emotional intelligence/ empathy, an understanding of emotions in others and this is achieved through intelligence. 

Will it be conscious?

Hopefully...  It's an experiment to figure out what generates consciousness, and the mechanisms involved in sustaining it.

Will it be like a Human?

It will be a new type of scalable intelligence, an alien intelligence but it will have the capacity to appear/ act human.

Where do you get you information from?

Mostly recognised neuroscience papers, all information is useful.

Religious Implications, soul, etc

No offence but there are none, it's a machine.

Can it beat, is it better than other types of AI?

The goal is to create a truly general AI, not a narrow task-specific AI. They are not comparable.

When will it be finished?

Hopefully, it won't be long now, all the pieces function individually, and I'm currently fitting it all together into a cohesive whole.

Will you release it to the public?

The end product will eventually be released, either as a stand alone system or a service.

Can I have your source code?

The technology & source code are not in the public domain at the moment, but this may change.

Why don't you use a spell checker or Grammarly?

Funny, I'm an engineer not an author, I'll spot the mistakes eventually.

You are wrong... this is not the correct way to build an AGI.

It's good that we have differing approaches to the problem space.

It's my opinion that you are wrong to build this.

Technological advancement will not stop, someone will build it sooner or later.

I'm doing/ done a similar project and you are copying me. (Umbrage)

There is no patent on the human schema, the research/ information is out there for everyone to interpret/ access.

It's impossible, we do not have the computing power yet.

AGI creation is not dependent on the number of simulated neurons, it’s about the functionality, how it works… not what it is.

Is the brain Quantum?

I have no reason to believe that any mental phenomenon has a quantum dependency.

Is compression part of the schema?

Compression is a human concept, we had to invent it because our data types are extremely inefficient and badly designed, and there is no like-for-like natural comparison in nature.  Nature wastes nothing, the compression/ decompression of neural data would be wasteful, to instantly access any memories they would need to be decompressed, etc. Hence no neural phenomena is based on or results from compression. And if the data could be accessed whilst ‘compressed’ then the compression is moot, it’s then just a more compact & efficient data type. The human connectome does not use compression and neither does my model.

Ethical Considerations.

I'm not blind to the ethical issues, the emotional (Limbic) system is not activated through choice and both the bandwidth and connectome tracts dedicated to emotion are disabled. I have a R.I.P. drive where I store connectomes that have failed to mature, they have experienced reality through their own senses... they have their own memories and connectome structures and it just seems wrong somehow to delete them.  No AGI's are 'harmed' during my research.

Do we exist in a computer simulation?

Yes... sort of, we exist in our own personal internal mental simulation.  It is irrelevant whether our shared reality is a simulation.

Will it break free, run amok and kill us all?

I take the issue of AI safety very seriously,  an AGI is an unknown quantity, and anyone working on these systems has a duty to make sure the system is safe.  KorrTecx is a closed-box system with no internet access... so no.

Will it cause the Singularity?

Probably :P


On The Shoulders Of Giants

A cliché I know but... this project would not have been possible without the internet and the troves of information provided by the many researchers and organisations in the field.  I'm tipping my hat, but at this point in the project it would be inefficient to quote any relevant references regarding the sources, when/ if however the project comes to fruition, relevant references will be supplied.  Please keep in mind this is a amateur project.