Model Initialisation

#1 Model (DNA)

Segment model, define and load-balance compute nodes/ cores.

#2 Initialisation

Build the initial skeletal connectome framework.

Like the human template, the connectome model is initialised  with many more synapse than required at this initial stage of maturation, this gives a complex skeletal template to kick start the learning process. 

#3 Gestation stage 1 (1000 Epochs)


The sensory cortices/ maps are subjected to random noise within the frequency domains they will receive from the sensory modules, this allows the sensory cortices to learn and self organise prior to exposure to the senses.  In humans this process happens in utero, the foetus can hear muffled sounds and see dim patterns of light through the womb walls.

#4 Gestation stage 2 (>5000 Epochs)

Apply semi-ordered (smoothed) noise to sensory cortices that simulates the womb environment (muffled sound/ light patterns/ etc).

Volumetric expansion & sensor interpolation 

#5 The Spark - Viability

At some stage (72% probable) during the gestation cycles the tract densities reach a critical threshold of complexity and the self sustaining Theta rhythm begins to cycle through the Thalamocortical networks… from this point onwards everything is synchronised by the base Theta… imagination, prediction & GTP inertia kick in.

Continue stage 2 until homeostasis is established.

#6 Time to smack it’s A*s

Start feeding real world data into the sensory envelope/ cortices.  It’s a massive shock to system, sensory grounding begins, epoch until homeostasis restored.

#7 Begin accelerated learning & testing.

If any mental anomalies/ deficits then move to the R.I.P. drive… start again.